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A friend of mine was interviewed for an article on Women Who Are Prepping. This isn't extraordinary in any sense, because she's been in the spotlight for several years talking about prepping. So, at first I was going to ignore the article, but I decided to read it, because I like my friend.

Everything was going fine, until I got to "Nikki".

“I’m a democratic socialist, with certain libertarian aspects, such as (mostly) supporting gun rights,” Nikki (who asked to only be identified by her first name), 18, tells Bustle. Nikki, who lives with her parents in rural Michigan but is about to to move into a dorm to start her freshman year of college, says she regularly practices with a bow and a rifle as part of her prepping activities, and occasionally visits a Reddit forum for liberal gun owners.

Nikki, who is transgender, has been interested in prepping since she was 16, but says she didn’t get really serious about it until Donald Trump got elected.


I don't know what to say.

I didn't know there was some sort of trans killing epidemic going on in rural Michigan. From what I know, most trans who actually complete the surgery, end up killing themselves due to regret and depression. Why this mentally ill boy was picked for this article is beyond me, but, I guess they had to make their point about something. The first female prepper in he article was from Portland, so I should have know the story would take a turn for the odd and out of place.

Of all the people who have to worry about violence, it is those who aren't on the left. So far, the left are the only ones attacking people over politics.

Once you see "democratic socialist", you can quit reading. It's a euphemism for communist, and communists need a never-ending stream of outrages to keep their useful idiots in a constant state of agitation. Transgenders, who represent a fly-spot within the population, are simply one of the latest victim groups created to further divide the nation. The only fact I choose to keep with respect to them is their horrid suicide rate.

Yup. Still socialist, even if you say it is "democratic".


such as (mostly) supporting gun rights

Guns for only those people who fit the right agenda.
If it were honest with itself, it would have to agree that, someone who mentally wants to remove parts of their own body, should be disqualified from owning a gun.

These kids being the future of humanity what will the world be like when they have to face real life challenges when offensive words cause them to flee to safe spaces or become violent? The college should help prepare them not shelter them.

Preparing students for the real world would be counter-productive for Marxists...they need 'em stupid.

curated for #informationwar

relevant subjects: free speech, academic subversion

Your Characterization of Tommy Robinson as Alt-Right is not accurate, his politics are centrist liberal(real liberal not progressive). He campaigns against Rapists,Murderers, Terrorists and preachers of hate who are not prosecuted because they are muslim. He has no hate for anyone because of their race or religion.

Thank you for the clarification - I did not look further than his anti-Muslim stance to understand why the snowflakes lost their heads.

No problem, Check out his Oxford speech to hear his views.

Perhaps you can link to it here so everyone can find it easily?

Powerful presentation - many thanks for sharing it here.

Your welcome, I'll do some more video curation once I get some commentary together to make me not feel so bad for utube reposting.

I just came for the killer snowflakes... #chemtrails