"Perspective: Media,Gossip and Call-To-Action-Events" (Featuring new author @poseidon)

in news •  9 years ago 

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A local newspaper writes:
"[person/individual] with cancer receives donation of $20'000 for treatment"
On the cable news:
"[person/s] died in tragic motor accident"

We all, in one way or another, experience death. Whether it's a family member or not, doesn't matter. Yet some make the news. In the case of the cancer patient good for them! but... that money could save many more lives in the right hands. This or that bad thing happened. Now picture this a close and mentor figure in your life passes away and the news reports on some other person that died as well.

Once I thought about it, I came to the realization that the news uses these stories for propaganda, much like terrorists would use a there version of events for propaganda. The only difference is severity and graphic nature of these visuals. Both are provocative and not needed for public knowledge other than to flame gossip and lies of said content or a person's life" and both does this to draw viewers.

In my opinion, the news should be more about relevant questions on how to solve the entire problem rather than advocating its existence, which we all probably already know. Don't get me wrong if a president passes along, this is seen as newsworthy and should be told. But this everyday events that wins the lottery should not. This time should rather be allocated to debates of current problems and potential future problems. Such as global warming that could see any starve to death as farmlands become deserts.

Today, people,statistically, watch brainless entertainment. This entertainment that has uninformed opinions could very much lead some susceptible individuals to make wrong assumptions on this or that topic. Due to the viewer's debate level being so low that it is, it leads to a reduction of their ability to "decide for the self's".

Journalists are not experts on the topics they report on. And often this leads to information half told, out-of-context or misleading. Sometimes to simply get the audience attention and make the story juicier. Politicians tend to make use of this fact to misrepresent the opposition, allowing the media to publish a "fact" that is a non-fact when evaluated. And is rather a fiction!

The damage is done and by the time the record is set straight...

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As the media actively advocates that they can be bought, via advertisements or a certain debate, anything to pay the bills. It becomes highly difficult for them to come to the whole picture, as they themselves, are at the mercy of experts or informants. Which could be proven wrong at a later stage?

As the majorities (80% or more) debate level goes ever lower and the media seeking the viewers, are actively lowering their debate level. Where does it end? The media tends to over exaggerated, by misinterpreting information by showing the content in their view or their idea of the truth or facts.

Combine this with the fact that the majority of individuals does not question assumptions or the news for that matter, to search for truth. They much rather spend time debating on how they compare to celebrities. Now it makes sense why they would "leave it to the experts". That is an easy way out of spending time thinking or debating about a real concern or dilemma. This act, actively, dumbs down their ability to reason and find the facts themselves. All of this unknowingly. I am not saying everyone should become a journalistic police officer. But rather, caution yourself, to not blindly follow the "Experts".

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Reality shows tend to allow their viewers perceived world values to degrade. Which causes harm to that kid that is in "the friend zone". As the values go down, integrity goes down and the "Why do I care" goes down. All in this weird spiral. Yes, Steem or Steemit has provided us a platform for intellectual debate and great volumes of good quality content!

Is it enough?

Now in the current media system, it is easy to misrepresent content or news to the advantage or disadvantage of some. Taking into account how few truly has power over how the news is represented. Is conspiracy theories that far fetched?

Regardless of it is or is not one thing is for sure; Unless there are more independent journalists that could reach the masses. The world could be one election away from a catastrophe. Well, depends on where you live and how accurate the media reports the news.

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@dragonslayer109 features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. ALL STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author

Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like their post - @poseidon. Thank you

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"Well, depends on where you live and how accurate the media reports the news." that's the thing. I stopped watching TV years ago and try to get my News from indepentend sources. No brainwash for me

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

The question for most was always funding. I hope in the near future, we could have independent(and good reputation) news sources on steemit. This site should help with"I can't or won't make money if I'm alone". Clearly on steem you're not alone. Yes, some might be of a different view. But in the end good debate => let's get the popcorn.

My mom watches tv all day and my step dad with her all evening. I wouod say they are brainwashed. I love them so much but to have a conversation about our economy or politics, the opinion is shared by nbc, cbs or abc.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Yea and it's not that their "bad" just not questioning... the "experts" some ideas are simplistic or "like minded"
During Brexit in their campaign, it was focused on "Independence" from the EU ?? And immigrants? . Irony? Brexit had zero or no effect on these "problems" and because (50+ of age voted +60% to leave) these uninformed individuals caused more harm than the "tax or stimulus being paid to EU" at the time.

This is all an essential part of the system. We are being conditioned to be submissive. Conditioning has many faces - media, pharma, food, health industry, economy, ... You name it.

It is our decision to step out of the system!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

But first we must realise we are in a conditioned system. Can't solve a problem we don't know exists. And worse we are incentivized by our peers to sometimes accept one or two views. Otherwise you are a know-it-all.
Best to Show things that are questionable(facts) that would contradic what is being told... John Oliver (Youtube) is particularly good at this... but who would tell Grandmother?

Great replay and a tip to go with it. You are right, of course.

I think this is a critical mass situation. When enough people realise that they are actually the slaves to the system, and they stand up and out, things will start changing.

It is our work to educate, to teach by example.

Nice article:) Upvoted