12 people across the street with "similar views as Freedom Convoy" frightened Canada's leader into shutting down a campaign event yesterday in Ottawa.
Despite dozens of RCMP and local police, both uniformed and in plain clothes, being stationed at the event, Trudeau felt too threatened to attend. The dozen protesters were armed with signs about freedom, and had arrived in 3 farm tractors equipped with Canadian flags. "One was carrying a flag emblazoned with a profanity directed at Trudeau, and another who was recording the establishment on their phone," reported our state media corporation.

Last year, a handful of dirt was thrown at him as he boarded his tour bus, and a man was arrested for "assault with a weapon". Trudeau now refers to this incident as his "assassination attempt by dangerous right-wing terrorists". So it's entirely within his character to avoid a campaign stop due to a handful of critics peacefully protesting nearby.
How does the world view such a "leader"? Is this really Canada's greatest man? The best we can do? A true hero, one whose character and skill set allows him to pilot the country toward its goal of freedom, peace, health, and prosperity for its citizens?
Or is this a globalist puppet, a WEF and central bank stooge, doing whatever he is told by Klaus Schwab and George Soros?
"The protesters are largely rallying against COVID-19 restrictions, including vaccine mandates and mask requirements, but some have also demanded Trudeau resign or be thrown out of office."
The mere insinuation that the 12 people wanted Trudeau out of office is supposed to damn them to hell in the court of public opinion. We are supposed to say "hmmmm, that does sound pretty scary, I can understand why Trudeau is afraid of them, and why they (and anyone who also believes in freedom) should be designated as terrorists, and dealt with accordingly". (Note that the 12 people in question weren't demanding Trudeau resign or be ousted, they were just "similar to" others who had previously done so.)
What we really have here is a puppet leader who would rather hide out in his palace, using social media platforms to label his opponents "black hating transphobic anti-gay bigots", than do anything positive or constructive for the country. He prefers to send mounted police to literally crush disabled women into submission, declare a trucker protest with bouncy castles an "occupation", and freeze the bank accounts of anyone who opposes him.
And if you don't like it? He'll say you're threatening him, blame you for ruining his event, and have CBC slander you.
And if you're really, REALLY "bad".... his handlers will do what they do to me - put you on a list for covert personalized harassment and stifling censorship.
Dangerous globalists without our best interests in mind are running Canada, and many other Western countries right now. Freedom Convoy showed that here in Canada, a majority are now aware of what's happening, and standing peacefully against it. We will not comply with tyranny and oppression, and this REALLY bothers the globalists. They have even gone so far as to officially demonize freedom and patriotism.

Anyone who flies a Canadian flag or uses the word "freedom" is to be seen as the enemy, according to Trudeau and CBC. Only red flags of tyranny and rainbow LBGTQA2SPIUN-+ flags are welcome. And if you are going to speak of freedom, you must acknowledge that it is a frightening and outdated concept only espoused nowadays by dangerous criminals.
The right to question your government is no longer protected or even observed in Canada. When peaceful protest is not allowed, history shows the result is other types of protest. This appears to be what the globalists want, but out of millions of Canadians, nobody has taken the bait. Well, except that guy who threw dirt in Trudeau's hair last year.
Note: You can shut down Canada's prime minister and entire Liberal party with a couple vans, 12 friends, and a "Fuck Trudeau" flag. Just roll up to each of his tour stops and speaking locations, and mission accomplished. Keep him under his rock.
Note the title on that article?
"Trudeau event cancelled due to 'size and composition' of protest group"
12 peaceful critics is enough. You probably don't even need the 3 old tractors! Besides, they would probably declare those to be "armored personnel carriers", and either tow them, or have them destroyed on the spot.