Arby's manager arrested for child porn... turns out he pees in milkshakes too

in news •  2 years ago 

There are some messed up people out there and it kind of makes me fear for humanity. I don't think there is anything more depraved than wanting to have sex with kids and this is why I love the fact that the prison system kind of has a self-governing system that if you go to jail for kiddy fiddling, they better keep you in solitary because the other inmates are going to end you.

Well a story about an Arby's manager who was under suspicion of having and distributing child pornography got busted for a bit more than just than when his house was raided.

It's not nice to judge people by their appearance but this guy just looks like a troubled individual

I don't know how they ended up getting information that lead to police discovering that he did in fact have child pornography but when they were doing a full search of all of his digital stuff they also discovered videos of him urinating into the milkshake mix at the store he was a manager at. The really scary part about this part of the story is that nobody knows what happened to the mix but seeing as how fast-food restaurants don't exactly toss things out for no reason there is a better-than-average chance that it was sold and consumed by customers.

When confronted about the peeing video and why he decided to do that the surprisingly compliant Sharp said, and I am sure they are paraphrasing here, that he did it because it brought him "sexual gratification."

They were able to track down the exact day that the peeing video was made and compare it to milkshake sales on the same day. At his restaurant 40 milkshakes were sold that day... Yummy!

There are some strange friggin people out there. I really can't put myself into the mindset of someone who would get their rocks off by just knowing that someone out there is unwillingly drinking their urine.

Sharp is going to get the book thrown at him though. He is facing up to 10 years for the pee stunt, which he probably will get away with because it can't be proven that the shake mix was actually used but the porn charges, those are pretty undeniable because Sharp has already admitted to possessing them. he is looking at 14 year charges for each instance, if convicted.


Arby's is already one of those restaurants that is in distant 4th or 5th place as far as popularity is concerned and I'm sure this isn't going to help them very much. I would be willing to bet that they are hoping that not that many people find out about this. As far as I can tell they haven't even addressed the issue and this is probably a wise move on their part. What would they say anyway? "Yeah, sorry about that, we don't normally hire pedos that like to pee in milkshakes, our bad!"


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I don't eat fast food...well, maybe a milk shake on occasion...wait, oh shit!

It's not that this couldn’t happen at any restaurant, but fast food, it seems there's a higher probability.

Case in point, I worked at a fast food joint a long time ago…and this guy spit in the pickles container pretty frequently, just because. He wasn't exactly a happy person.

It's probably rare, but again, it's probably more frequently than we think.

I think it is better to just not think about it. I appreciate the new style of restaurant layout where we can see the kitchen and the people in it. The spots like Chipotle and Subway where they assemble the food right in front of you is even better.

I worked in a couple of fast-food pizza places and we never had anyone taint the food. There was no 3-second rule or any shenanigans like that either. I don't understand the mind of a person that gets some sort of enjoyment out of messing around with something that someone else is going to eat.