I guess they need to do whatever they can to get people to read their stuff in today's competitive environment and I suppose I can't really blame them for that but the problem I have with this rather devious way of reporting, if you can even call it that, is that I suspect that most people read ONLY the headlines and then they become more misinformed than they previously were. I think that the digital age was probably initially intended to make people smarter and MORE informed but it seems to have had the opposite effect.
While I am not actually affiliated with or even interested in a lot of the news feeds that I subscribe to, I do subscribe to a lot of them and will admit that this is mostly out of morbid curiosity about what sort of lies they are going to try to spoon feed to the ravenous actual subscribers on a daily basis.
Here is a good example of an outlet intentionally misleading their readers.
That seems like the link is going to be to a bombshell of an article doesn't it? It would be and will be very big news when Trump announces who he has chosen for his running mate. It will dominate the news cycle for a lot of reasons and seeing as how most of the media is leftist, I am quite certain it will be a mostly negative things trying as hard as possible to make whoever it is that he eventually does choose look as bad as possible.
There is a glaring problem with the actual article though, which is written by Conservative Brief in that at no point in the article or in the world that we live in, has Trump actually announced who his running mate is.
So once you get to the article you get a little bit closer to the truth but even that headline is intentionally misleading as it suggests that Trump said that this person is his "potential running mate." Trump never said that and as much as conservative media complains about liberal media taking Trump out of context, here they are, doing it themselves.
What really happened was that Trump was being interviewed and the interviewer brought up Robert F. Kennedy Jr and suggested that he could be a running mate and asked Trump what he thought of him.
At no point during the interview did DJT even hint that Kennedy was being remotely considered for the position, even though the interviewer tried to goad Trump into saying that he was being considered.
I think it would be an amazing step towards repairing the obviously seriously damaged and broken USA political system for people from opposite parties to run on the same ticket but that just isn't going to happen. The candidates know it, the news stations know it, the people know it, yet dumb news organizations like Conservative Brief will release headlines like this at least a couple times a week and dupe and confuse their audience.
No wonder the average person doesn't really have any idea what is going on in politics and simply has tiny pieces of the whole story... just enough to keep them hopeful about "their guy" and enough to keep them angry at "not their guy."
I wish the people would realize that the none of the guys are actually "their guy" and work to overhaul the system. If people would wake up and realize the two-party system has been for a while and is always going to be destined for failure, we might actually be able to make some sort of meaningful changes in this country.
I don't think it will ever happen in my lifetime though and articles like this one - trust me, there are many many many more - ensure that the people stay dumb enough to continue believing that everything will be fine as long as our guy wins.