Enough with the Impeachment already!

in news •  5 years ago 

If you look at any news site in the world right now there are dozens of articles about the Impeachment of Donald Trump that is going on in the House of Representatives right now. The bickering and grandstanding is embarrassing to watch and various polls that have been conducted by pretty much any outlet indicates that the US public is tired of hearing about this "dead horse."

every time this woman speaks I want to shove Q-Tips past the safe range in my ears

It isn't limited to Democrats though, this entire charade is dumb on both sides of the aisle and I am embarrassed for our elected officials each time one of them attempts to make some sort of impassioned speech towards this completely absurd shit-show that has been going on for far too long.

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It's just so obvious what is going on here: The votes came down to all Republicans voting "no" and all but 2 democrats voting "yes" to the impeachment. Those 2 (it might have been 3) representatives are almost certainly only voting "no" because they fear for their re-election in their districts.

Basically, this is all partisan bullshit and it isn't even about what it is supposed to be about. The news is dumb because almost no one is interested in hearing this because this impeachment doesn't actually mean anything. Only seriously dumb people think that this has any impact on Trump. He doesn't have to step down now and when this massive document gets put over to the Senate for a vote it will almost immediately be thrown out. Sure, there will be some grand-standing over there as well, but everyone knows that this doesn't stand a chance in hell of getting the necessary 2/3 vote to remove a standing president from office.


Anyone with even a minor understanding of how impeachment works realizes this months-long song and dance in the House isn't actually going anywhere and nothing has changed. There is such a profound distrust in our elected officials at the moment that Trump being impeached has changed absolutely no one's mind about the man and most people just want these millionaire cry-babies to just move on and maybe do their jobs.

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Yes, the whole thing is a clown show and I am not even a trump supporter

i think that there is a good chance that Democrats are harming themselves with this because they keep pushing and pushing and have a really one-track agenda. I wonder if the people will respond in 2020 by voting some of these people out. I know I would like to see that but then again i would like to see most of the Republican representatives voted out as well.

lol. nice writeup. I have seen a few of the clips from the house proceedings or whatever they are called and whether the rep is speaking on behalf of or against Trump doesn't really seem to matter, it is embarrassing to watch because of the i dunno what to call it, fakeness of it all.