Most of the crazy stories I stumble across seem to originate from Florida and 2nd place goes to Pennsylvania - at least this year. However, we sometimes forget about one of our most lovely but strange states and that places is West Virginia - a state that I have actually spent quite a bit of time in while skiing and white-water rafting.
West Virginia is a truly beautiful place but unfortunately the residents of the state have a bit of a bad reputation for being a bit "off." If you are from West Virginia I mean no harm or insult, but I am sure you are aware of the probably mostly undeserved reputation that a lot of the residents have there.
Recently, a man decided to kill someone he knew because "they ate all the tacos." When Dale Martin came back downstairs from a residence and noticed that all the tacos were gone, he went back upstairs and retrieved a .22 caliber firearm and opened fire. He shot at least 3 times but as the intended victim fled, Dale called up the other person that was there to let him know that "don't think I wont get the 12-gauge and blow his fucking head off."

this is actually a real place in Hawaii
When authorities arrived, Dale didn't put up much of a fuss or try to get away. I think he knew that he was dead to rights anyway because he didn't even try to clean up the shell casings or do anything about the other forensic evidence that was still in plain sight. I suppose he didn't really have enough time to patch up the drywall and stairwell but the fact that he just left the shell casings lying there kind of suggests to me that Dale probably already knew what his fate was at that point.

Dale didn't come anywhere near hitting his target but in West Virginia and I would like to believe all of the other states, they don't take stuff like this very lightly. Dale is being charged with attempted murder and well, he honestly would be but I would imagine it is unlikely he will serve a great deal of time for this since he didn't put up a fight and I think that everyone can understand the amount of rage that having all the tacos eaten can bring into a person. Would temporary insanity work here at all?
I think the most upset I have ever been over food was when a college roommate ate my takeaway that I had put in the fridge. I may have punched him on the shoulder and forced him to buy me another one. I didn't have a gun though so things might have been different if I did.
I think that there are a lot of good reasons to shoot someone and I am one of those crazy conservatives that believe we should all be allowed to have guns. I suppose people like Dale kind of make it easier for those that feel otherwise though because this could certainly be used as some sort of "proof" that people shouldn't have guns. At least Dale didn't succeed or is a terrible shot... perhaps both. Either way, this is a really stupid way to end up in prison for a few years or more. Do they have Taco Tuesday in prison?