NBC virologist nearly dies from Covid! There's just one problem

in news •  5 years ago 

If you are bothering to pay attention beyond the headlines of this terrible global pandemic you are already aware of the fact that it is very unlikely to affect you at all, let alone kill you if you are under the age of 60 and otherwise healthy. Perhaps this lack of fear among the "younger" community was the inspiration behind NBC's coverage of Dr. Joseph Fair, a 42-year old virologist and regular contributor to the Science section of the news station who contracted the virus on an airplane despite attempting to be as safe as possible.


They made a huge deal about the fact that this young man, who is very knowledgeable about viruses in general from years of studying various viruses in Africa such as Ebola, and NBC followed his journey through his struggle to avoid catching the virus from non-compliant airlines and also the customers on board. He tweeted like nuts about how dismayed he was at the lack of safety on the airline and then kept us all up to date about how he was doing when he admitted himself to the hospital out of fear of having caught covid-19.


He claimed to have started getting symptoms just 3 days after being on a "packed" flight from New Orleans to Los Angeles (despite the fact that we are told over and over and over and over again that it takes 2 weeks to materialize) and said that he lost appetite, started having muscle aches and fever, and eventually checked himself into a hospital after claiming "I couldn't take a full breath!"

This sounds like a cause for alarm indeed! Dr. Fair was wearing a mask and was using sanitizer (which we would presume was the right kind since he is a virologist) yet he claims that he contacted it through his eyes despite the fact that there would be no way of determining this to be true.

Wow! It is time to be very very afraid because he was "touch and go" for a while there but eventually made it out alive. I'm so scared because I am around his age, know next to nothing about science and don't take anywhere near the amount of precautions that he does in his day-to-day life.

There is just one problem with the story and NBC / MSNBC has not been very forthcoming in this particular part of the "story."

Dr. Fair tested negative for Covid-19 7 times. Upon being released from the hospital (and taking up those oh so valuable ICU beds that are quickly running out that we keep hearing about) he has repeatedly tested negative for antibodies for the virus - now what do you suppose that means? He claims it was because he "waited to long to get tested" and that is why the tests are negative... despite the fact that he was tested during the peak of his "illness" and the tests were negative then. He also has zero signs of antibodies weeks after the "event."


Now what do you think is more likely? That the 7 tests administered were all done correctly and the repeated antibody tests are also incorrect? Or do you think that NBC / MSNBC is completely full of shit?

The craziest part of all of this is that even though they have been caught red-handed, NBC has made no apologies, no redaction, no correction (the original articles are still live) and this story has been used all over social media as "proof" that the virus can both get in through your eyes (not true) and also can kill younger, healthy people (also not true.)

What exactly are you hoping to accomplish here NBC? It certainly isn't to give your network a good name... but i think most people already knew that you can't be depended on to be truthful and this is just more of a reason why you are not a dependable source of anything, let alone truth. This is just another example of the media and the people that bother listening to it being....


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There is so much terrible information out there that I think most people are just ignoring everything they see these days. I still don't know anyone who knows anyone who has died from it.

There is so much terrible information out there that I think most people are just ignoring everything they see

I think this would be a better alternative than to believe anything the media has to say these days.

didn't this happen to Cuomo as well. He was dying from Covid and then some mountain biker spotted him hanging out with his family at a beach property in defiance of lockdown?

Yes, then Cuomo threatened the biker. It was a pretty bad blemish for CNN but I don't think they really have any credibility left anyway.