The controlled review scores of the "Fauci" film

in news •  3 years ago 

Fauci, the mastermind behind the lockdown systems put in place around the world. There are some fans of this guy of which I know very few, and quite a few haters of this guy, which constitutes most of the people I know. I can't really imagine why National Geographic, who I thought was a company that does wildlife films, decided to do a film about him, but they did so. As you would expect there was an immediate push to "dislike" the film and the trailer and there were certain outlets out there that put the pieces in place to put a stop to public opinion right away.


I have not seen this film and I am not going to watch it for a couple of reasons. The main reason is that I think that a person could spend their time doing almost anything else and it would be time better spent. The other reason is that I have no desire to be potentially programmed by what is almost certainly going to be a very one-sided presentation otherwise Fauci wouldn't have agreed to do it.

I do find it a bit amusing that simply having an opinion about the film is being censored by some of the world's largest platforms.

I was surprised to find that the YT page hasn't disabled comments and if you take a stroll over there you will see that basically all of the comments are negative. I also enjoy the like to dislike ratio that exists.


There has been some talk about how the actual tally of dislikes is much higher than the above number shows but that YT is eliminating tens of thousands of thumbs down votes over time.

What is particularly embarrassing is the fact that one of the biggest film review websites in the world was not allowing regular users to even write a review and as far as I know, this is the first time that this has happened to any film on that site. This caught the eye of the entire world because while there have been massive disparities between "professional reviewers" and "audience score" in the past, there wasn't a time that I am aware of that RT simply didn't allow regular users to voice their opinion at all.


I don't know if it was pressured into allowing comments / reviews from the audience or if the threat of a boycott was mentioned but a few days later, they opened up the audience score to regular people and then this happened.


Now there is no doubt in my mind that a vast majority of the people who are giving it a 0% rating haven't watched the film but this is likely the case with almost all the films on any of these review sites anyway. If a studio wants to pump the audience score for a movie they developed, there really isn't anything stopping them from hiring some Indian company to write thousands of glowing reviews.

IMDB, which is probably the only mainstream competitor for RT didn't disable user scores but when the results for the film ended up being the lowest ranked film of all time on IMDB they decided, for some reason, to not include it in the list of lowest ranked films along the likes of Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas, Disaster Movie, and Son of the Mask. On IMDB the film miraculously rebounded from a 1.8 rating - thereby making it to lowest ranked film of all time, to a 5.8 in a matter of hours. So how is this possible? Well it isn't possible because they are lying to you.


Here is the review score breakdown of Fauci on IMDB. To quote Jim Gaffigan: "I'm not a calculus teacher, but something doesn't add up here."

I don't generally get involved in the pandemic debate because honestly, I no longer care. I do care that the public access to information is being manipulated by the people that control it and no matter where you stand on this or a variety of other issues - this should concern you as well. If you are pro-Fauci you might be applauding the efforts to suppress public opinion now... but what is going to happen to that feeling of yours once the door swings in the other direction?

If there is anything good that has happened in the past couple of years in relation to media it is that I think most people are extremely aware that they are being lied to from all angles and basically nothing can be trusted anymore. Now maybe, just maybe, people will start to think for themselves.

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