USA: If you don't like it you can get out!

in news •  5 years ago 

I realize that a great deal of what I post about as being dumb in the news comes from sources with a liberal slant. That is because of the fact that I am a right-leaning independent and I am willing to admit that. It is also because a vast majority of all media is left-leaning and therefore it is much easier to find a target for my ire. Just choose anything ever written by a majority of anything that appears on Yahoo News and you can get an idea about what I am talking about.

This isn't to suggest that there is nothing crazy or dumb that comes from the right, there is just less to choose from. You can find it pretty easily if you know where to look.


Townhall is a pretty good place to start because they are the Vox of the right only they don't have to let 40% of their workforce go because they never had very many of them to begin with. I wouldn't say they are as obviously biased as Vox or Daily Beast but there is no denying what their end result is going to be on 90% of their articles.

In a recent article they made a headline that appears as though it comes straight from one of my favorite episodes of South Park and it is entitled If America sucks so bad, You're free to Leave

This "article" reads more like a Facebook rant than an article written by a professional journalist, which I am kind of doubting that author Derek Hunter actually is. His claim to fame in his blurb about his qualifications simply state that he has a free podcast... oooh! A podcast? Does he also have a Youtube page with 30 subscribers?


I'm being a little bit mean (because that is kind of what i do here) because he actually has published a book and that is no small feat, but having published a book doesn't necessarily mean you are any good at it or that anyone bought it.

The thing that gets me about his article and if you look into his past all of his articles are op-ed articles that sound like rants and contain very little in the way of actual research but rather just cleverly-worded charismatic opinion pieces that are only digested by people that already agree with him so it's safe to say that he is definitely preaching to the choir and not really convincing anyone to change their minds.

The conclusion he comes to in this trash article is just a "hoo-rah for our side" piece that reads basically like this


This isn't to say that I necessarily disagree with his sentiment; I actually agree with him on a lot of his points other than the fact that the suggestion that people who don't like the political environment they are in should just run away rather than try to change it. Also he kind of ignores the fact that it isn't really possible to change to another country just because you feel like it. There's a lot more to it than that, unfortunately.

I suppose if we are going to have crazy dumb news with a leftist perspective the order of the universe kind of dictates that we are going to have the same thing coming from the right as well. That is the Yin Yang of the media - if TownHall and Derek can actually be considered that.

I think he is a good writer, but the problem I have with his story is that it is devoid of substance or any sort of facts. It is pure opinion and even though I agree with a lot of his opines, that doesn't make it journalism. But then again, this is kind of what the media has become across the board these days.

Sorry Derek, but your article and most of what TownHall publishes that very few people actually read, qualifies as....


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Well he does have a good point although it is a typical one. I hear this in Asia in expat circles whenever someone dislikes something about the way foreigners are treated here. If you don't like it you can get out! It's kind of a cop out answer... a funny one, but still kind of dumb at the same time.

well i can't say I completely disagree with his sentiments in the article, it just immediately made me think of the SouthPark episode and it is a stupid op ed to write.

And on another note...
