The under 21 laws have always baffled me in USA. Nearly all other countries in the world allow certain privileges after a person is legally an adult. While i realize the argument is cliche, if you are old enough to die in a uniform for your country, you should be legally old enough to buy a beer.
Now some nutjob state Senator in Vermont named John Rodgers is proposing a bill that would make it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to use a cell (mobile) phone.
His justification for introducing this bill is stated here
“In light of the dangerous and life-threatening consequences of cellphone use by young people, it is clear that persons under 21 years of age are not developmentally mature enough to safely possess them, just as the General Assembly has concluded that persons under 21 years of age are not mature enough to possess firearms, smoke cigarettes or consume alcohol,”
Personally I was unaware of the guns and cigarettes being restricted to those under 21 as well but banning phone to anyone under 21 takes dumb to a whole new level.
He said certain things like phones are used to recruit teens for Isis and other terrorist organizations and that teens cause traffic accidents in greater numbers because of cell phone use... blah blah blah... the nonsense continues for a while.
Ok, so kids use their phones too much and this could possibly have a detrimental effect on them and others around them. You know what other demographic uses their phones far too much and causes accidents etc. because of their use?
All demographics except for maybe the elderly
Thankfully, the bill and the jackaloon who drafted it are being widely mocked by not just other representatives in Vermont, but all over the country (and possibly the world - if they care enough to look at state legislation.)
Even John Rodgers later went on to say that “I have no delusions that it’s going to pass. I wouldn’t probably vote for it myself." Well at least it is nice to see that you are openly wasting your time, the other Senator's time, and taxpayer money on dumb s**t.