Women feel compelled to shave? The horror!

in news •  5 years ago 

It must be a slow day over at CNN because it's not like it is Super Tuesday or anything and their favorite Democrat candidates, well maybe they already ran out of nice things to say about all of them except for Bernie, who for some reason they seem to really dislike.

It is no secret that CNN likes to consider themselves more "woke" than most news outlets but this piece does exactly what I would expect from CNN and blames trends that most people agree about on the magical patriarchy in that men determined gradually, over the course of centuries, that hair on women is unattractive.

Even with a celebrity endorsement, this isn't going to catch on

While I am quite certain that a lot of this is true, I challenge you to find a group of women who aren't in some sort of ultra-feminist movement that don't also think that a hairy woman is kinda gross.

The few women out there that decide to not shave their underarms or legs as some sort of empowering statement are an extreme minority to the point where I have only ever met a few people like this in my entire life... and I was a live in the 70's.

What are the words? Stunning and brave? How about disgusting

I think that CNN is probably able to convince some viewers on a lot of topics that the patriarchy is out to get them and that certain "looks" have been determined over the ages to push more and more products on them via beauty companies and what not, but I think that they are well off the mark with this one. Nobody is making anyone shave, but this idea that a mustache covered lady with hairy legs is somehow attractive.... That's a pretty hard sell guys, even for the man hating staff over in the oddly named "beauty and fashion" department at CNN.

This article isn't dumb because it was poorly written, it actually had a lot of historical information in it that I was unaware of: it is dumb because CNN apparently isn't content with spreading Corona panic and hatred for Trump, now they gotta attempt to make everything, even what people consider to be sexy, a conspiracy driven by evil (presumably white) men.


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