Differences in news sources. I've suspected, but I was only guessing.

in news •  8 years ago 

I was reading the third post from @newsagg today that gathers news from various sources and combines them into a single post. I haven't detected a bias yet other than perhaps the fact they have it broken into three sections Alternative Media, Mainstream Media, and then Steem #News. Is that a bias? It is hard to say. Judging from the footer this does not seem to be the case.

However, this feed became useful to me today. It was one of those days I was not really sure what I wanted to write about. Nothing was really calling out to me. Then I looked this feed over. Gathering things together you can start to notice potential patterns. I hope that they continue to post these daily as they have been so far as it will give us something to look back at and see if there is indeed a pattern. Three days worth is not enough to say for certain, but I suspect we will see one as I've been noticing it for many months now.

The difference between Alternative Media and Mainstream Media is noticeable though there definitely is some overlap. It is kind of refreshing to read through all of that we are normally subjected to and then hit the Steem #News section. Things seem to change a lot once we hit that news section. The topics become more diverse and to me interesting, though it is still a bit heavy on the crypto side of things for my personal taste. I do like to know some crypto news, but we can get swamped in it.

Which brings me to what I noticed and wanted to write about as I read that... Propaganda... Yes, I've written about propaganda before.


I noticed that while the alternative news was talking about some Trump related things they actually covered more topics on this Sunday. The Mainstream Media on the other hand is still fixated on Trump and Russia. They might throw in an "oh by the way" as a side story, but that is how they feel to me. I've listened to mainstream media my entire life, though I have not trusted them for a very long time. Lately, I find I am getting angry not at the targets they would like me to get angry at. I am getting angry at the clear obvious agenda and drivel. I am getting angry at the no longer even subtle attempts to force people to believe things.

Russia this, Russia that, everywhere I turn its somewhere Russia shat.

Source: giphy.com

Trump Russia Trump Russia Trump Russia Alex Jones Russia Anyone who talks to Russians Russia if your a U.S. citizen formerly from Russia then Russia. If you have relatives in Russia that you talk to, it's more Russia.

Source: giphy.com

What is worse is some people are still buying into this overt propaganda. To me it is like I am watching CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, New York Times, Reuters, and the rest of mainstream media walking around on a football pitch and they keep bumping into each other as they stare at the ground where the goal is at. "Damn! No proof, no evidence! Damn Russia!" and then they pick up the goal post in some chaotic clumsy fashion and move it somewhere else on the field. They stop there and stare at the ground "Nothing here either, How about over there?" They move the goal post again. Still they find nothing. They make a lot of claims, and they make a lot of assumptions yet they still have not produced evidence. The so-called evidence they have pushed all over the place actually makes OTHER people look bad if you truly look into it. Not their intended. Yet they will ignore actual evidence as they don't actually give a damn about the truth or facts. They only have one vision. They are fixated on Trump, and Russia. Even if there is nothing there they will keep looking.

Source: giphy.com

Because they can't seem to find anything REAL they keep moving the goal post and they will spin any little made up thing they can to make it look like there is some damning Russian Trump connection. In reality, they've found less of a connection with him than any NORMAL previous president, because he's actually been unable to talk to them as much post election as a leader should and normally would due to the witch hunt... snipe hunt... fairy tale entrance hunt...

Source: giphy.com

Yes, the so obvious agenda is making me dislike the mainstream media more and more. I am at the point now where I do not see the entities as actually doing much of a service to the public. When you can make up #fakenews and push it as legit that should be a problem. In fact, I believe it is. Unlike the National Inquirer and other fanciful rags that do indicate they may not be the truth, the mainstream media is these days often putting those sources to shame with the crazy stories they fixate on. It is a sad day when The Onion can prove to be more accurate than the mainstream media.

Source: giphy.com

I also include celebrities as part of this problem. They are being roped into pushing this narrative.... Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia.... How can we expect to get anything done if we are focusing on phantoms and imaginary villains? The answer is we cannot. Some people are thinking that may be the ultimate purpose. Stall until those that didn't get their way can get back into power. They don't get that the world and the mind is shifting...

Source: giphy.com

There is a great war going on RIGHT now and you are part of it whether you want to be or not. That war is for your mind. Some would like to shape it and force you into their desired mold. Others would like to free your mind and have you revel in who you are and your own unique interests. These two ideas cannot coexist. The problem is many of those that are fitting into the mold don't know that they are. They think they are the one advocating freedom, and missing their actions to shut down free speech. They think they are against violence, while they are calling for violence, assassination, genocide, etc.

Source: giphy.com - Movie: Scanners

The war is on. Which side are you on?

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)


"Trump Russia Trump Russia Trump Russia Alex Jones Russia Anyone who talks to Russians Russia if your a U.S. citizen formerly from Russia then Russia. If you have relatives in Russia that you talk to, it's more Russia."

We'll see what happens once John McCain's head explodes.

I thought about it but just couldn't bring myself to put the classic exploding head scene from Scanners in this comment. Too gory.

I'm amazed by the fact that you can get a more balanced perspective on world events on RT than you can on the MSM (I said "balanced", not unquestionable). I've heard Dmitry Babich say on Crosstalk on several occasions that the difference between American propaganda & Russian propaganda was that the Russian people always knew it was propaganda, most Americans still don't

I thought about it but just couldn't bring myself to put the classic exploding head scene from Scanners in this comment. Too gory.

That's why I chose the one I did. Didn't want to have to tag this post NSFW.

My only concern with the impending death of insane McCain is that, like the hydra, there are 2 waiting to step in and take his place.

there is a good side to his death; from what I have been told, McCain has a entrenched political machine in Arizona.

When he goes, that machine stays BUT his persona, the war hero and long time man of the people goes with it

I think that will make a difference

McCain has the McCain Institute set up in Arizona. In much the same manner as the Clinton Foundation, his global elitist multi-million dollar donors are able to openly pump cash into it which then disappears into 'initiatives' while the media screams look over there at Russia. Link to the donor page which includes the Saudi royals, the Rothschild's, Bloomberg and numerous mining companies. https://www.mccaininstitute.org/donors/

They are likely already there just not being given the spotlight yet.

Great write up and spot on @dwinblood.

The collapse of #FakeNews can't come sooner!👌

Upvoted, resteemed, and followed.👍

I am getting angry at the clear obvious agenda and drivel. I am getting angry at the no longer even subtle attempts to force people to believe things.

same. I catch myself regulary screaming at TVNews or other MSM "These a-holes...!" but it just does not help :D

When you can make up #fakenews and push it as legit that should be a problem.

There is something really perverted going on in Germany: The word "Fake News" is now a german word, but it does not refer to corrupt media, but to people making false posts on facebook or other internet media.

We had the word "Lügenpresse", which refers exactly to media corporations making false statements due to an agenda. The word Lügenpresse was banned (not juristical, but through moralizing propaganda) as it was deemed a word that is only used by Neo-Nazis.

We already have the word "Falschmeldung" for when a private person makes false claims.

Do you see the bigger picture behind this? I do and it makes me really angry!

Yep. It's been happening for awhile but it has been accelerating.

Hey dwin, I find that using sites like Drudge is really helpful. He summarizes with a headline with his own slant, but he always has the link to it and you can see if you agree with him or not.

For the most part, I think he does a great job of getting it correct factually. Also, he has a big list of all of the news websites. It looks to be a few hundred links there in alphabetical order. I open those a lot and read through. Some days there is just too much to read though!

there is always too much to read ;> you have to prioritize what has the most impact at that moment, collect info, and analyze from there

of course, as soon as that is done, you have to use that analysis to decide what the next priority is!

Yeah, I use drudge as well. @newsagg is new and I notice it because I'm cruising through steemit, so easier to NOTICE where as I can get distracted and forget to check drudge and others. Also I think it is cool @newsagg does some stuff on Steem news at the bottom. Hard to say where that will go. It kind of reminds me of a mini-drudge without the reloading and new ads bit. :)

Hi @dwinblood have you checked out Breitbart?

Some yes.

Did you like it?

It tends to be a bit to biased for my liking, but I tend to read news all over the place and take many views and form my own opinion. Even Infowars can be biased. Finding an unbiased news source these days is difficult to do.

I will say that I don't think Breitbart is nearly as bad as Mainstream Media has become, though I prefer drudgereport, infowars, zerohedge, and some people I follow on youtube more than Breitbart. I'll still check it from time to time.

Have you checked out NPR, they are supposed to be pretty neutral and objective.

Yeah sometimes. The problem is I don't have time to check them all. I've even seen NPR be biased, but it is definitely a little more rare than some places. The problem is that places that were less bias in the past are often falling prey to bias these days.

So what I do is aim for a cross section.

Excellent. Love your calm, measured tone. Btw, didya hear that Donna Brazile called "the Russians"... "The COMMUNISTS."!!!

No I didn't hear that... it doesn't surprise me though. :) Nancy Pelosi keeps referring to the president as President Bush.

Argh , we exchange human oddities, apparently! Keep up the good journalism, friend.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Spot on @dwinblood!

I can tell you this is not an isolated theme to the USA. This has been going on world wide. When US news is presented outside your borders you might guess who's the perferred scource for the forreign news distributers; CNN, MSNBC, etc... Alternative views on US politics is even more scarce and hidden.

If we say your news is filtered through the mainstream media, ours is yet another refining of that. Destilled News... it's a scary powerfull substance.

Thanks, @dwinblood This kind of peoples are easy to get influenced by the mainstream media (more mainstream propaganda) they are not able to think by themselves they follow the well-thinkers. Even if it is against them they just follow. Look at most of the French population who get fooled by the good thinkers for the new president. I am tired of those mainstream medias and politician well thinkers. The western world is really crazy today, Why people don't have a brain anymore? why are they so stupid. The leftist and other liberalism is really a plague for the west. Poor west.

I learned some time ago not to trust any one source, particularly if it is the mainstream media. MSM is pretty much unavoidable these days, CNN even pays airports to air their disinformation. It is surprising how much traction the alternative media gets out of debunking the MSM.

There are a number of good alternate news site aggregators, my favorite being www.thelibertymill.com. It is a bit heavy on financial news and has some sites that post dubious stuff, but compare and contrast (or triangulating) is the only way to make sense out of the news cycle anymore.

Alex Jones is no different or just as pathetic as CNN (for example) Infowars is nothing more then the other side of the coin. Very comical blatant propaganda I would add :) thA80TOLRV.jpg

As for what side I'm on, that would be the public's side (the 99%) and definitely not the establishments side (Trump 1%)

I don't side with any particular "journalistic" outfit. I look at them all (including mainstream) and try to make an informed decision. I will also say that when in doubt I will go out of my way to do my own research. There is no news source that truly represents me.

As to Trump being the 1%. The 1% seem to be very much arrayed against him from what I can see, so you may need to rethink that. Those yelling and funding the actions against him are the 1%.

Though I also don't care for the term 1%. Not because I've never been even close to able to qualify to be one of them. No... it is because in truth the people that call the shots and create these problems are more like the 0.01%.

So when people use 1% they are using a generalization, a meme, propaganda that gathers 99 other people into it's wake instead of the 1 person in that group that fits the title. Even so... the 0.01% are against Trump... not with him.

So if you are against Trump because you think that is ESTABLISHMENTS side you are very misinformed. However, there are other reasons to dislike Trump, being establishment is not one of them.

The "establishment" that has been in power for many decades is in an uproar and very focused on Trump, and Russia. Watch the news long enough and pay attention (rather than just going "yeah, yeah") and you'll see it.

It also might help to do some historical reading on the term Propaganda, and how it is used. You'll find that Trump isn't being too effective at that... but the "establishment" is. It appears to be working if you actually think by being against Trump that that is anti-establishment.

@dwinblood I totally agree about the term 1%, I was generalizing, as for Trump, there is no doubt that he is part of the establishment! The man praises the CIA (his words" best friend they could have") and Fox News along with every other republican outlet supported and promote his blatant propaganda!

The man is for censoring the internet, called people for free speech "foolish", he wants to spend even more on the military ( which is already half of the US gdp) filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs and Exxon (people he was calling out during election) and has close ties with Roger Stone (a known Republican propagandist) along with being long time friends with the Clintons and Netanyahu (Trump was Israel's first choice fyi)

The list is too long that I could get into about Trump's words and policies but what you seem to fail is the REPUBLICAN establishment. He shows all the signs of being another NEOCON.

What I find truly disheartening is how intelligent people (like yourself) allow yourselves to be fooled by a known SALESMAN and LIAR (the man bragged about lying in his book, on top of being on video lying consistently) whom also bragged about how he "made out great" during his bankruptcies in which he only had to pay small (American) businesses and workers pennies on the dollar. (simply amazing that the working class can believe he represents them)



waw you are very good. Yes they try to fit you in it, you have be be alert all the time and make choices, that is what can lead you to the right thing, making 1 choice after another :)

I wonder how comments that get tagged show up; I think this post would be a good #informationwar post, for example.

I think all that happens is curious readers can click on and go to the tag.

McCarthy was more right than he thought, but he was a drunk who used the anti-communist agenda for his own political gains.

A good source for the reality of communist subversion in this country during the McCarthy era is In Denial, by Haynes & Klehr

From what I have heard, the media loves HRC because while carefully aligning herself very much with the traditional Democrat stances on all the big issues, old and new, like immigration etc., she has accepted massive payments from Wall Street and other lobbyists.

both political parties are heavily corruptocrat; the difference is that the democong are more heavily directed by leftist ideology while the repukes are more heavily influenced by globalist "ideology" (I haven't studied globalism well enough to understand if it's a structured ideology, or just a series of excuses for kickback ;> )

Wall Street et al have always had politicians on the pad, but the underlying culture of all these folks you mention have been subverted into this leftist/globalist hybrid over the last 60 years (my guess, other folks mark that earlier)

I would agree with that, but these can be confusing issues and the powers that be may exploit that. I think globalism may be just another form of dilution of value... so a natural consequence of central bank model, no gold standard. A vicious race to the bottom.

these can be confusing issues and the powers that be may exploit that.

very much so

either there is a theme today I have noticed in which the amount of information, including bad info, out there clutters the ability to process intelligence, or that theme is looming in my mind ;>

Yes, I feel the media is no longer in the business of reporting on news, but creating news.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hate to break it to you @pjcswart, but I'm pretty sure that's not just a feeling...

The upside is that a lot of people is starting to realise it. But will we bother to take action? That is where I'm more worried.

Have you seen the movie Wag the Dog?

I refuse to discuss politics with people I know are addicted to CNN and all the rest. I just pretend I don't follow the news anymore, it's easier than having to explain to them why I think their heads are filled with propaganda and not real news.

Yeah it can be bad.

Follow the money, who gains by what they put out and yup I gave up on the TV over 20 yrs ago because it was all so controlled. I prefer alternative media...

Great post Dwinblood. The propaganda is being implemented side by side with new forms of censorship. We are in make or break time, as in, the American people have to make up their minds as to what they truly want their country to represent. Things are happening fast now and your post clearly lays out the choice that people have to face. I hope the good in all of us rises to the surface and openly counters this coming nightmare. I put together a post on Facebook censorship that lays out quite clearly the level of censorship that is already underway. https://steemit.com/news/@clarityofsignal/big-brother-watching-huge-compendium-of-screenshots-highlight-facebook-and-other-forms-of-censorship-in-new-age-of-internet

Unfortunatly every mainstream media does propaganda. Check who gives them contributions and you would always know to where wind blows

Yep, I know this. :)

maybe because I'm Russian and I learned this fact in my childhood. I grew up in a cold war time but behind that fence

Yeah, I have no doubt that gave you some unique insights.