7 changes that await mankind with the development of technology

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7 changes that await mankind with the development of technology

Disproportionately high body tentacles for fingers imalenkie mouths-strings earthlings future popredstavleniyam futurologists will remind most newcomers izfantasticheskih tapes than men. Want to see how yours will look like a distant great-great-grandson? Read our list.

The softening of the bones

Are fighting for a mortgage, you are reading this text, sitting in a comfortable chair. And in the evening by car with comfortable seats get there before the house where nightfall ulyazheshsya in a soft bed. It is so? Bone Strength modern man needs a little. People of the future, according to futurist and neuroscientist Dean Burnett, will have a much more "soft" skeleton with a much larger amount of cartilage. This will give the future homo sapiens flexibility and mobility. (In addition, the labor will cease to be so painful). But this does not mean that you should cease to lean on calcium!

The appearance of the focusing hearing

Our distant ancestors had to have a sharp and "multitasking" hearing. The ability to hear the approach of a predator through the noise of the wind or the splash of water, for example, was a necessary condition for survival. Now the situation has changed: the ambient noise level has increased several times, but "dismantle its composition", on the contrary, has disappeared.

According to the scientists, evolution will react to this change the appearance of the focusing hearing - the ability of the ear to focus on the interests of the sound, and how to "turn off" all the rest. In the clubs future your distant descendants will not have to shout in the face of his interlocutor - Rejoice for them! If, instead of the joy you feel just jealous, do not worry: you can get the same effect by buying headphones Here Active Listening.

Tentacles for fingers

Almost like Steve Jobs could have imagined even in a nightmare, but it is likely it will be to remember his name, referring to the appearance of mankind tentacles - there is no futurist, which would not link the future of homo sapiens with touch screens. And tentacles - soft tentacles, resembling octopus - are much more functional input interface, rather than rigid and slow-moving fingers.

Weakened immune system

What-what, and good health of the future people will be able to accurately boast - it's too greenhouses we grow. Endless pills, antibiotic courses, a lot of medical gadgets - it is unlikely that our descendants will be different strong immunity. However, and this is a problem apparently did not become - genetic engineering promises to mankind complete freedom from disease by editing the genome.

However, we should not forget the basic principle of the theory of Darwin - survival of the fittest. And therefore, good health will always be in the price.

Increased growth

According to a study published in The Sun newspaper, the average height of a person in a few hundred years is 2.13 meters. And it seems to be true, it is only in the last sixty years, humanity has grown by 2.5 centimeters. And the tendency to increase in growth can be traced not to the first thousand years - the current homo sapiens would have appeared some Mayan simply Ambalov. What is the cause of gradual growth? Scientists blame the improvement of nutrition and medicine development. Think about it: a couple of hundred years ago, to keep fit, having a growth of 190 cm, it was very, very difficult!

Reducing the number of tooth

Anthropologists still do not have time to answer with certainty what is homo sapiens owe this structure, the skull - and he was, apparently, began to change. Thirty-two teeth seem overkill futurologists: to chew the current food - well cooked, and soft and filed together with a set of knives and forks - like "arsenal" is not required.

Moreover, even such size of the mouth causing scientists doubt - the current mankind such a hefty "fall" is not needed. Exactly like a long digestive tract. People of the future will have a faster metabolism, and their short intestines, it is very likely cease to absorb that amount of fat and sucrose, becoming a natural protection against excess weight.

Reducing the volume of the brain

Yes Yes. With all due respect to the intellectual progress of mankind, futurologists believe that the volume of gray matter in the future people will be less. Yes, and the brain will undergo certain changes: many of its share will cease to be popular. For example, all the work of remembering and thinking about the information can take on computers - and their role in human life will be from year to year only grow. Homo sapiens will only manage their sverhumnymi gadgets - and for this to be invented new and better system.

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Reducing the volume of the brain - cool!