Boycott Mainstream Media; Stop Giving Them Chances

in news •  last year 

Boycott mainstream media. Block them... Remove them from your stream. If you see people watching them, change the channel. They will LIE to make money. Don't give them any chances.

Look at the recent events in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Hospital Bombing HOAX that was shared by the media and the ignorant masses who believe ANYTHING the mainstream tells them. They lied about that event, just as they lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq... They lied and defended BLM riots while lying about January 6th. Stop giving these people the benefit of the doubt. They HATE you and if you died tomorrow they will make a story out of you for profit if your story is even worth it.

Their entire business model is built upon getting you emotionally triggered so that you can "tune in" to their propaganda. BREAK THE CYCLE. Support real journalists, not the mainstream media.

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Dumped them a long time ago, but you are 100% right; they lie for a living! Our Founding Fathers put a lot of protection for the media in the first amendment; to protect what they viewed as attack dogs, to keep the politicians in line!!!

Today the MSM is a cancer, that must be excised; for the health of the Republic....
