Rohingya and Genocide

in news •  7 years ago 

According to official data recognized by the military and the Myanmar government, there are 399 people killed this week. They are 370 Rohingya guerrillas, 13 security forces, two government officials and 14 civilians. The UN security agency notes that some 38,000 Rohingyas have crossed into Bangladesh from Myanmar to avoid military operations.

"If viewed based on the data of the victims above, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) does not contribute much to save the Rohingya community in Myanmar," said Mizan

The latest United Nations (UN) report on the Rohingya minority shocked the world again with a description of the atrocities committed by Myanmar's security forces.

From children truncated to death, women are raped until the whole village is burned, this brutal action is justified because it is most likely a crime against humanity.

"Despite having much evidence of ethnic cleansing by the Myanmar government, the world has not taken any serious action against the government in Naypyidaw, the national capital of Myanmar.

"Among the many organizations that must strive to protect the Rohingyas, one must clearly lead this initiative, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)." Of all the international entities, the OIC is in the best position to engage in the struggle of the Rohingya community, "said Mizan

Not only officially representing Muslim-majority countries, it also welcomes strong countries with Muslim minorities like the United States, China and Russia to have their own representatives in the organization.

"It has the influence to lead international action to protect the Rohingyas and in the past has defended the persecuted Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir and elsewhere," he added

Rohingya that has been decades old. Myanmar Act of 1982 that removes Rohingya for full citizenship access. Since then members of the Rohingya community were expelled from Myanmar. Many have fled to neighboring Bangladesh and from there to other countries.

"It is very difficult to determine how many Rohingyas are migrating but currently there are about 400,000 of them in Saudi Arabia and about 200,000 in Pakistan and most people should flee through Bangladesh,"

The Burmese government has sought to wipe out decades of violence and repression against Rohingyas by citing security concerns to justify its brutal campaign.

Related to the role of OIC, Mizan reminded of the shortage of international organizations, the Muslim world must find ways to help the Rohingyas. This requires the OIC to search for some souls for universal justice and human dignity to obey!

In this context he said, one can remember the two OIC member states, Malaysia and Turkey, progressing with material, political, humanitarian and, more importantly, emotional assistance. Some Turkish steps that shocked the world community can be seen lately.

"I think the most serious Muslim World Leader is Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan who urges UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to put pressure on the Burmese government for the violence suffered by Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine state," Mizan

Although Turkey has not been able to take advantage of Myanmar's stance on the Rohingyas issue, Turkey is able to create an image of concern for the teachings of Islam. Malaysia also, above called for international action to overcome the Rohingya crisis, has developed a mechanism to assist Rohingya refugees by involving UNHCR.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a body aimed at protecting and providing assistance to refugees at the request of a government or the United Nations, to assist the refugees in the process of moving their settlement to a new place. In the Indonesian language, this body is called the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and was founded on December 14, 1950, in Geneva, Switzerland.

"If the OIC adopted a resolution condemning Bangladesh's posture and appreciating Turkey's position, it would send a signal to the Myanmar government that the Rohingya issue is a human rights issue and a universal human dignity, replacing the national interest.OOI was created to promote these values" firmly Mizan

In recognition of this effort, the OIC has appointed former Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar, as an OIC envoy to the Rohingya issue. In contrast, Bangladesh ti

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