Congress Quietly Passes A Bill Allowing for "Warrentless Searches" --- Media Is Dead Silent

in news •  8 years ago 



Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill allowing for warrantless search of homes and the FAKE selective outrage media "stays mysteriously quiet".

Trump signs the bill. Where is the media crying about this? Where is the outrage? Is this where we are in America? The most important basic rights are xxxx on and the people have no idea....because our media is complicit.

This is a clear violation of the Constitution.

I thought the Media hated Trump --- I see how this works.

How do we make America Great Again by passing laws violating the Constitution???


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No surprise there ! ty

The Media silence is no surprise, they don't believe in our constitution.

The part that stuns me is how vociferously people defend each president. They are all victims of the hidden hand. Wake up people...

Trump has caved which is sad to say. The deep state is in control it seems.

This may be what I was looking for. With all the noise about Charlottesville I figured something would be passed with no attention. Thanks for posting this

"problem -- reaction -- -solution".....we have to take away your rights to save you. Good point.

I am so utterly disgusted that when I vote for somebody and it actually goes my way they turn into a piece of S$#T

There is a "deep state" that has been exposed to the public and the media is part of it. It's good that all Americans can now see who is against them.