The action of catching foreign ships 3 TON Drug Type Shabu in the waters of Tanjung Balai Karimun Riau Islands deserves thumbs up. Previously a few days ago it was successfully secured jg Foreign ship from China which carry 1 TON SHABU and last Tuesday also successfully secured the foreign ships that carrying Taiwan 1.6 TON type SHABU.
Imagine if this escaped all of his total 5.6 TON who will go into the Young Generation's body of hope of the nation. What will be the nation 5-10 years ahead? "China-US-Russia Maritime Jokowi Strikes, What's Up?" Looks like the racing countries want to get involved in the maritime program jokowi .... is there anyway ... ?? #
Maritim Soon other countries want to control the sea of Republic of Indonesia but difficulties with UNCLOS and the Law of the International Sea. "Now opened wide ... blasssss" "Djuanda Declaration" has fenced off the ocean of Republic of Indonesia... now the fence seemed to be torn apart people who do not understand maritime ...
Bablassss Gives the opportunity for giant countries to be involved in maritime development of RI, like the door and window of the house is left open..bablass This is what I am very worried from the beginning ... songong talk maritime axis, then do not understand PETA NKRI, "there is ..... bablassssss" Do you know, without the fence Declaration of Djuanda, NKRI is like green grass savanna then "a bunch of buffalo fighting to eat grass ... bablassssss" Then why just now the giant bright countries are ready to help maritime development of RI, before jokowi it sgt exclusive ...." "Understanding" geostrategy, geopolitics and geoekonomi "cetek" then talk maritime .. "the same as letting robbery finish off your safe deposit ... understand .. !!" If China, USA, Russia are given the opportunity to play in the fence built Djuanda, then "wait for the destruction of NKRI .... bablassss" I am not looking ... please digest and please read my book: 9 Perspectives Towards Indonesia's Maritime Future .... there I have written .... Why maritime boundary RI with neighboring countries so difficult to fix ... "Because there not want to fence NKRI stand firmly ... understand .. !!!" Sad ... I'm sorry to have to say this .... "I'm not willing to fence NKRI built Djuanda torn and collapsed" only in one day a night (by Jokowi, on sale at APEC-ed Forum) Currently Australia and the US are insisting on opening the ALKI (Indonesian archipelagic sea lanes) west-east across the Java Sea but we firmly refuse ... for what (Australi-US insist) ... "so bablasssssss ..." ALKI West-East sgt risky if opened, the same by giving access our private room to neighbors... !!! How the other countries can penetrate the fence made by Djuanda, of course by tearing up and enter fish berry, if opened free, your diamonds devoured. If you want to conquer Republic of Indonesia, then you must master the sea first ........ without it you dream .... !!! What forget kelian, how dutch can colonize us for many centuries .. krn mrk controlled the sea, * our ancestors were forced to land .. understand !!!!! * Kelianku saw was dancing in the house around him was engulfed in fire .... what ga feels the heat ..? or AC is still on kah .. ?? Did you know how Djuanda and his team struggled at the UN for many years to build the fence, then only in a day you want to collapse !! At least I have conveyed to the extent of my realistic conditions and concerns ... I hope my worries are not going to happen .... Good guard NKRI !! Do you guys know the story in the room, the loss of Sipadan and Ligitan ....? Because Prime Ministet Malaysia knows how to conquer the king of Java ... understand .. !!! Sipadan and Ligitan off because Soeharto approves the dispute case brought to the International Court of Justice (MI) ... it is reminded .. !! Suharto initially also did not want the case brought to the international court ... then after meeting with the Malaysian PM that time, he also agreed. From the source / witness of the history of the incident say "PM Malaysia apparently know to treat the king of Java" what does that mean ... please interpretation. !! Why sipadan and ligitan are won in MI, because the supporting evidence according to our international law is lost to malaysia ... it is sdh dipresidksi Will the Djuanda fence will collapse because the giant countries that ngincer our sea also already can be leaked from PM Malaysia ...? Habibie once declared Indonesia Maritime Continent .. but not tear Djuanda fence, hence panda (China) and uncle gembul (US) ga can control our sea The oceans of Indonesia are threatened with no more blue ...... When the ocean is raging, be ready to call your ancestors ... you will be dragged to the bottom of a cold and dark trough .... When the oceans rumble cry out for your Lord ... you will be lying face down in a cavity at the bottom of the ocean ... When the oceans are turning white, hurry up the Chinese wall ... the hempasan will reach you before you reach the top .... Before the wrath of the sea comes, immediately pack up .... if not, then the sea crabs will tear your flesh, leave the bones.
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