Facebook took down this photo because it exposed an FBI Killer!

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

They are members of an elite team that comes to kill Americans without due process and they are being protected by our courts.

scott ward fbi.jpg

The men in question are on the FBI's elite HRT (Hostage Rescue Team). But they are not really in the business of hostages. The HRT is the team of FBI assassins that played key roles in massacres like Waco Texas, Ruby Ridge, Malheur, and others.

But today in Oregon a member of that elite team is on trial. The court won't release his name, so he is known only as BM, and he's an FBI and ACTIVE special ops MILITARY killer.

Ironically BM is not on trial for his part in the premeditated assassination of activist LaVoy Finicum in 2016. He is simply charged with lying to his bosses in saying he did not shoot, when in fact he did.

I can't say what level at risk I am at for refusing to let this slide. But I am glad that I'm posting this from outside the USA after having to leave to avoid imprisonment for speaking out against the government in the USA. Let's just say that if in the future government says I committed "suicide" I did not.

Not only are cameras forbidden in the USA's secret courts, during the trial, HRT team leader SCOTT WARD who participated in the 2016 murder of LaVoy asked the judge to forbid courtroom sketches because he did not want America to see their faces. But everyone needs to know these faces. So folks went looking online and found publicly available images the ex-Navy Seal team leader. Everyone has a right to know the criminals that hide in darkness, especially ones that might show up at your house to murder you.

The meme was generating a lot of shares and we're guessing our "friends" at the FBI were not happy about being exposed since today Facebook took down the photo, once again showing that they side with the regime and silencing those exposing it.

We're posting the photo here on Steemit where censorship cannot take it away. Let the world see this mans face. If you have information or photos related to members of the HRT FBI team or the Oregon State patrol involved in this murder, you can email them securely to [email protected]

We refuse to have our voice and the truth censored by our government. -- Gav


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