RE: Elon Musk Unveils A New Solar Roof And Powerwall 2

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Elon Musk Unveils A New Solar Roof And Powerwall 2

in news •  8 years ago 

This article seems to be full of useful and amazing information. I look forward to reading more of your work.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for having a look.

Good job, I had to LOL when I read this statement ¨ better insulators, last longer, are more durable and cost less when energy savings are factored in.¨ better insulators = may reflect sun shine. Last longer = We have no idea how long they will last. more durable = come paired to what? Steel, wood, asfalt/stone, glass, strew. cost less = you may see a return on investment after 40 years. I know you pick up this info from the company. So do not take this post personel. I am just pointing out how we should interput word so we are not miss-lead.

Here's a comparison test of the strength of Tesla roof tiles compared to other roof tiles.