Deep State Bootlicker to the End, McCain 's Last Twist of the Knife

in news •  7 years ago 

MAGA this, Donald!

John McCain is a traitor and not a maverick.

He’s simply the most common thing in Washington, a boot-licker for the New World Order crowd. He is committed to a world of war, chaos and filth. And his dramatic vote against the ‘skinny’ Obamacare repeal was as predictable as the sun rising in the east and Hillary blaming someone else for her problems.

If anything, I would have been surprised had he done one vaguely independent act before he leaves the stage. You know, there is that moment in so many movies where the bad guy has a change of heart and redeems himself slightly with his last act?

But, sadly, there are no Darth Vaders in American Politics, only Emperor Palpatines.

And the world has to pay for their commonplace venality.

For Steemian Eyes Only

The good news is that McCain is pretty much done. Rand Paul destroyed his chances of ramming through the NDAA before he fades off into the chemotherapy sunset. But, the damage that's been done here is substantial. Trump will expand sanctions, further isolating the U.S. from the rest of the world and true to his protectionist instincts.

Putin will respond by further playing the long-game with the EU over how badly they are being treated. He is playing, with Merkel, the same game he played with Erdogan in Turkey. Don't over-respond but use a dagger to cut deeply in what looks like a mild way.

Then wait for the bleeding to continue while they negotiate with the Bullies in D.C. What has been keeping EU sanctions on Russia is face saving. Merkel can't lift them without tying the action to solving Ukraine in some way. Russia will not allow NATO on its border and she has to know this. So, she'll back Trump on Iranian sanctions but split with him over Russia.

This is how Putin will heal the wounds with the EU, by offering generous medical treatment in the form of good deals on energy, agriculture, weapons and border security. It worked brilliantly with Turkey. It is working with the EU. As Merkel's plans to subsume Europe fracture, in part because of Trump's bullying her over NATO and his backing Poland's independence, she will be forced to lift sanctions on Russia if she wants to salvage what's left in Germany after the EU begins to blow up.

IF Trump thinks he's going to bully Putin into giving up Iran in exchange for backing down in Syria he's a bigger fool than McCain is. Signing the sanctions bill will escalate things in a way that will blow apart the post-WWII institutional order in the most violent way possible.

But, Trump is too much the narcissist to see past his domestic media troubles and play the long game.

See my other articles on this subject and related ones :

Rand Paul Cock-Blocks McInsane on NDAA

Russia Has the Sanctions Hammer

More Sanctions on Russia Means More U.S. Isolation

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Trump is still IMMENSELY popular with the people, no matter how loud CNN and MSNBC rant and rave. He is right to let ObamaScam live on and let people suffer under it. I would love to see him sign an Executive Order making ObamaScam MANDITORY for all government workers and members of Congress. He would have the love of the people for the next 10 generations!!

McCain will go to his grave (hopefully sooner rather than later) as a coward and a traitor to the Republican party and America in general.

I agree that Trump has his people behind him. My problem with him to this point is he has boxed himself in by not going on the offensive in D.C. And now he's stuck allowing McCain to dictate foreign policy through the sanctions... and since he hates Merkel and the EU (and good on him for doing so) he's going to trade pushing them away along with Russia to try and isolate Iran.

This is madness dreamed up by Kissinger and McMaster. Putin will respond with parallel aggression in the oil markets by opening up the spigots and plunging oil prices, which the Russians can weather a helluva lot better than the wild-catters in the Permian basin can.

Let's see:




True and true.

They couldn't fuck this up more if they were trying, mostly because they're so completely inept and self destructive.

Maybe they should try and fuck it up?

Read the reports from McCain's fellow POW's and you will know all you need to about this Quisling.

This post has received a 0.35 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @goldgoatsnguns.