Paris Accord is Just Welfare for the Banks and the CroniessteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  8 years ago 

I've been sparring with @telos about the political reality of man-made Climate Change who doesn't believe that it is mostly a big corporate welfare program designed to control the global economy through a series of transnational agreements by world leaders without input from the people, bypassing their democratic representatives.

The Paris Accord is a perfect example of this kind of over-reach.

I told him this was all about the banks getting their cut through carbon trading fees, bridge loans, Federal Reserve money printing and the like... He was, to put it mildly, incredulous.

scroll down for the comment thread.

So, what do I see upon opening Zerohedge today

In His First Ever Tweet, Lloyd Blankfein Slams Trump's Climate Decision

Yes, that would be Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd "Doing God's Work" Blankfein. Goldman stands to lose billions in carbon trading fees with the U.S. pulling out of the Paris Accord.

Along with Elon Musk, Jeffrey Immelt (CEO of GE, another MIC welfare and green energy queen), Tim Cook of Apple, etc. The cronyism took a punch to the mouth yesterday. The swamp was drained a little bit. But, really, it's all about saving the planet!

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The funny thing is, go through the list of board members, CEO's and directors of famous fossil companies. They're virtually all gentiles, mostly white conservatives, which is unprecedented with most big industries today.

The Askhenazi-owned media in the US has been trying to destroy this industry for decades and I think it's partly for that reason as well.

Very few Askhenazis are in control of this industry.
