Breaking ! Las Vegas " Shooter " Paddock has been Spotted and Filmed at a Blackjack Table in Atlantic City !

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)


The first film we see the brother of the Las Vegas Shooter, talking rather weirdly and seemingly I would say under the influeance of some drug, as his reactions are most certainly odd as he gives out a flurry of informations that just makes you wonder if he is as innocent as all that ? Indeed as a close family member and ex business partner of the man to have committed one of the bloodiest massacres in American History, as it is being reported by mainstream media. Does he not merit to be a person of interest to investigators' Rather than the center of attention for salivating news crews all fighting to hear his clear admiration and respect for this, his evil murdering brother ?

He is shown here in the following video relating to his brother in the present tense, that is to say, as if indeed he were still alive ! A classic Freudian slip of a true liar ?? You will see how quickly he registers his mistake and watch his body language as he imedeately puts out his " more than enthusiatic " explanation on the great personal abilities and powers of his ex businees partner and now apparently "estranged" brother Paddock !

But just when you thought it was already quite Strange......its gets Crazy !!

As last night I came across a whole bunch of films from different accounts all sharing a video released through Twitter by another lover of poker named account name " youFold2Me " . Who had by all accounts on the 6th, almost one full week after this hidenous incident in Las Vegas spotted, he clearly also thought, the very man supposedly responsible for all of this carnage ! Just sitting there, calmly , at a BlackJack table in a casino in Atlantic City of all places possible ! The filmer cleverly films a flyer placed on the table with a date to show that the film is post shooting and not before ! Then pans up slowly to film the man who is sitting across the table on the other end ! Apparently also accompanied by a lady of Asian nationality, like his estranged girlfriend who had been returned to the states for questioning ! You can see at 0.28 seconds that Paddock is staring at the filmer and does not look too happy to have been spotted! As our filmer pans with his, id imagine telephone, Paddock quickly turns his head then drinks from a bottle to disimilate his facial features as much as possible given his surprise! Its as clear as day if you slow the video speed down in the player to 0.25 of normal playback speed !! You can see again very strange irrational body reactions ! He is even wearing the same motif and style of dress shirt as that he is wearing in the recent photo of him released to the public by the media. It really can only be him for me, see for yourself !

This next film I am including too, it shows the same footage but validates its date of filming by the tv screens visible in the background of our not so friendly lover of Blackjack ! The emission that was playing, produced by sports network ESPN has been identified and was aired the very same day and date shown on the flyerr by our more than snake eyed poker playing YouFold2Me !! The 6th of October 2017 , like I said, one week after the shootings and not before, as already some shills are trying to argue in the comment sections of Youtube posts which also try to carry and share this simply insane footage !!

Indeed if this film is not him or old footage as the shills argue ! Then why did Twitter take the time and effort to immedeately remove this tweet from circulation ?? The filmer stating that his Tweet was removed without his consent in a matter of hours!! Now it would seem also that " YouFold2Me is no more, his account is gone and seemingly him with it !! Like always with this stuff like this, Big Wheels are a Turning, which again prove the validity and danger of this content he tried to share !!

Seems that our bearded MrNobodyForgetMyFace, could not simply resist the calling of chance and fortune of the BlackJack Table and the sweet smell of Lady Asian Luck by his side ! Paddock is not Dead, He is alive and well and we need to bring him in !

So if this is him, who indeed is the man Police found in Paddocks room, with a bullet to his head ?

I have some ideas and will be letting you know ! Your reactions please in my comment section below, thanks


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Mate, you're on fire with this subject! This just gets stranger and stranger!! "I have some ideas and will be letting you know" .. As soon as you've written these ideas down then drop me a DM. Really interested to see where you take this next, I would add a lengthy comment but I think you have this pretty well covered. Great work my friend.

thank so much for the encouragement @perceptualflaws ! I am doing my best to keep a level head when trying to piece together this kaleidoscope which constantly changes it colours and persepctives ! I am following everything out there and I try to compile developments into something which is based on accumulation of facts as best as I can !! thanks again !

You're doing a great job my friend, keep it up :)

Youfold2me account is gone
Main Stream media still ain't touching this story? not even trying to debunk it?
The guy looks a lot like him, at a Casino just like him, with an Asian girlfriend that looks like his girlfriend, left handed just like him, same dress style.
At first I thought it was a trap they set for the truth community....I thought it was too sloppy for the Feds to allow him to go for a night out just 2 days after the event...hard to believe the Feds would make such a blunder....and that they would come out with the name of the guy in the video a few days later and prove all the truthers wrong. But seems 5 days have passed since the video has been circulatng (with hundreds of thousands of views!) and all that the Powers that Be are doing is censoring social media and pretending it doesn't exist.
I believe the Vegas shooting is a giant PsyOp hoax, as I've been explaining in my blog looking at several evidence , but this video would really be the nail on the coffin.

Hello @lavater thanks for seeing too what i see and try to point out in this post ! Yes I heard that his account was taken down or closed by him ! He could even be in Turkey right now in a dark cell, who knows ? Yes of course a huge psy-op as ever in non linear warfare tactics used by deep -state minions for their shadow government masters ! Very Dark days ahead for us all. unless we as people are able to expose and bring to citezen justice the wrong doers in all of this world overthrow plan in action right now !

Thatss a lot of thinking to do 🙄 and good research indeed

Thanks @thatindianlady for your constant support in this my work here on steemit ) much appreciated !!

Pleasure :)

This post recieved an upvote from @omarfarukjafree. If you would like to recieve upvotes from @omarfarukjafree on all your posts,
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hello as much as i appreciate@omarfarukjafree your vote I dont see why you repeat this message twice which does not concern the subject to which am Itrying to create dialogue ! Can you please remove one of them please as it is I find this too much, if you do not respect my wish I shall flag you !

And as usual, the video has been removed. I hope you're backing all these videos up, GVibz. Because they are disappearing as fast as you can grab 'em. We're never gonna' get the truth. Not EVER. TPTB have moved on to their next hide and seek game, the fraudulent "captive family" that has just been released by their "captors" in Pakistan. I wonder if the "poor long suffering American family who were held captive in Pakistan for 5 years" will be the guests of honor at the Superbowl, when they blow up the venue? Hmmm. Pass the popcorn. It's game over, kids.

Oh wow yeah @disarangedjane !! well there is another underneath in my post, go check it before it disappears too ! Im telling you this guy is alive ! The guy in the room is not Paddock, whoever indeed Paddock is ? When is the Superbowl actually ?? that would be a horribly soft target to kill America on TV (

Superbowl is February 5th. And @nathanpieters has some seriously graphic photos on his blog that show the "dead shooter". And the dude looks nothing like Paddock. Where's the neck tattoo or scar? So yeah, you're right on that too.

This post recieved an upvote from @omarfarukjafree. If you would like to recieve upvotes from @omarfarukjafree on all your posts,
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Thank you so much for thinking so beautiful a post.

thanks for your comment @sharif24 ! So which part did you find the most beautiful, Id be most interested ? )

Haha, busted the loser!

I don't see this story being let go by the truth media. There are just too many weird anomolies and unanswered questions.
I've had a few DM chats with people about this and the theories are very interesting, I'll pop to discord shortly and give you some more things to ponder mate.
Great post.

I lived in Vegas for three years so when I heard the name on the radio, I wanted to hear more. Then, when I heard 'shooting at concert, Mandalay Bay, I knew right away that it was crap. They're not even hiding it anymore. Thank you for this, people need to see this and wake up.

Yes they do need to wake up to the reality that our government has being lying to us on this and many other things in our recent history, ever since they assasinated the last President that decided he would try and stand up to them !thanks for this comment and your support @misslasvegas !

Agreed. I don't think there will be another president who will try. They're all working for the same company anyway. I used to try to wake people up slowly, but I think it's time for the 'in your face' approach as softly is not working fast enough. If they don't, they'll have a very rude awakening....It's time!

yes @misslasvegas it is time, can you hear the bell ?

heard it ringing a long time ago... :)

Hi there again @misslasvegas, tell me something do you still have friends that live in Vegas ?? I could really do with some close up photos of those two towers placed behind the stage at that fateful concert venue !! Tall conceret towers that were part of that failed " Skyvue " project !! Even better would be a zoomed in video of 1 min duration at night to confirm that there are no navigational lights fitted to them !! please get back to me to let me know, thanks !

I have two friends there still but haven't spoken to them in a while, so I'll have to see if I can still reach them. But if I do, I doubt if they would have anything since they wouldn't be into the country western music scene. But of course I can ask, they might know others. You're seriously researching aren't you? Great to see. We need more people like that.

wow that would be so awesome, as i am being trolled by some idiot here that seems determined to undermine everything i am saying abou these towers being possibly one of the locations by shooters during the massacre !! He keeps going on about the lights being navigational lights fitted to avert planes !1 It BS and i know it but without say a close of the top of the towers at night showing no lights this joker will not let me go !! thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly thats pretty amazing !! steem On @misslasvegas