Kymberly Suchomel, one of the people that atteneded that fateful night at Las Vegas, Ist of October 2017 where 59 people are reportedly dead and 500 wounded by a lone crazy 64 year old shooter called Paddock ! She herself survived to live the tale and went on to write an extremly clear and frightening account of how there were "shooters all around the area with bullets coming from all angles ?!! "
So why is the media not picking up on her personal story which destroys the theory of a lone shooter ! Or perhaps I have right there already answered my own question ! Well I guess we will neverbe finding out as this young woman died just a few days after having liberated her emotions to the world on her Facebook page with the text that I am including below in my post for all to read on the beautifully indelible ink of Blockchain !
In her account she says over and over again that there were indeed more active shooters present and on the ground in the crowd itself ! Since her more than strange death considering her age, her Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts have been deleted and removed from their databases !! Why has this happened and by Who ? We can but guess and I think the answer does not take long , seeing as only these companies themselves supposdely have access to their databases !
Was this woman taken from her husband and young child to silence her information to us ?
Here is her story that she painstakingly written and with such immdeate clarity it literaaly transports us to that place where nobody shoud ever find themselves, namely running for your life !
" I have been receiving phone calls, messages & texts galore since Sunday night, and I have been providing the same copy & pasted message to each of those who have contacted me. A really quick, vague, account of what happened at the Route 91 Festival in Las Vegas. It has been nearly 72 hours since the nightmare took place, and I am finally able to sit here & put into words my own personal account. I have attached some photos of the fun we did have.
I would first like to give a huge giant thank you to both Casie Barnard & Ricky Ardito, without them I can guarantee you I wouldn’t have gotten out like I did- I would have dropped to the floor, stunned, and I would not have been able to get up. I owe them both my life.
Sunday morning we woke up sore & hungover from the nights before. Friday & Saturday nights were a blast- we drank too much, and fought the crowd to get as close to the stage as possible. We acted like we were in our early 20s and hitting Vegas for the first time; however, when we woke up Sunday we all were in complete agreeance that we would not be doing that again. We decided, instead, to bring in a king sized sheet & sit on the astro-turf in the way, way back & just peacefully watch the concert from our spacious sheet. We also decided to drink the morning and afternoon of, but not the evening, as Ricky, Cassie & Mendy had an early day ahead of them, having to leave at 4am to get Ricky to work Monday morning. When we had full bellies & got our retail fix in-shopping the vendors, we headed to the main stage where we immediately sought out that back sitting area. Unfortunately, we procrastinated getting to our seats for too long, and every spot was taken. We ultimately ended up on the next fake-grass area much closer to the stage- but we still had a decent amount of space & great viewing area, so we spread out our sheet and claimed it our territory. We remember exactly where we were, because most of us (excluding myself) left to go to the bathroom & get water during the concert, so we used landmarks to be able to find each other again. I remember distinctly that one of the bars was to my left and I had to look behind me to see it- thinking maybe I should get one more beer, but I already had a full bladder & I have an irrational fear of porta-potties, so I decided against it.
We are all hanging out on this sheet, dancing our booties off, enjoying ourselves so much that we took off our boots to get even more comfortable. Casie & I were on opposite sides of our little 5-person group. I was on the far right side, and I had so much room to dance that this guy who walked by, who we called “camo man”, actually said to me “taking up a lot of real estate there, eh?” jokingly. After about 20 minutes of Jason Aldean’s set, I got this overwhelming feeling to go stand over by Casie. I can’t tell you why, but I did. The entire time I was dancing next to her I kept thinking to myself, “why? Why don’t I go back to my spacious area?? There is no room to dance over here.. I am not having a good time over here… okay, on the next song I will”. But, there wasn’t a next song.
From about 50 feet in front of us, and a little to the right, fire crackers were set off. Let me repeat that… FIRE CRACKERS WERE SET OFF. I verbally stated “some asshole just shot of fire crackers in close proximity to so many people”. I was literally pissed off. You could see Jason Aldean look to his left kind of startled by it, but he was also clearly irritated. I would say about 15 seconds later, the first volley of gunfire was released. It was a shorter volley than any of the others, and the gunfire was not as close together either. EVERYONE looked up, down, around. We thought it was more fire crackers at first, but then Ricky reached over, told us all to put our boots on, quickly. And the volley ended. Then people started to panic. The gentlemen behind me looked at me as I was putting on my boots, half laying down, and said “calm down crazy, its just fireworks, jeez”. That is when the 2nd volley went off, Ricky yelled at us all to get down, flat, & we immediately knew there was someone shooting at us. I remember getting down, but I didn’t lay flat for some reason, thinking- oh my gosh, I need to get flatter than I am now, but my body just wouldn’t let me. That was the 2nd volley. At the end of that volley ( I am still struggling to get my boots on), we turned and tried to run, but the people behind us still weren’t moving. I yelled at the lady “RUN! ITS GUNFIRE! RUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!” The look on her face was pure terror, but she finally dropped her stuff and turned to begin running…. But then the 3rd volley hit… and it was close. Very, very close to us. I could physically see the impact of the bullets on the astro-turf, I could feel the warmth & the passing of bullets. Once that 3rd volley was over, Casie linked her arm into mine, and we decided at that moment we weren’t stopping- we were getting the Hell out of there. And I do mean Hell. We were in literal Hell. The gentlemen that mocked me stating it was just fireworks fell to the ground, and he never got back up. The lady behind me (who was now in front of me) who was terrified as I told her to run, never got back up. I actually had to physically step over her body to run (something I am still struggling with, so please don’t attack me. I was absolutely in flight-or-fight mode). There was another person to my right who also wasn’t moving. We ran. I don’t know what direction we ran, I don’t know towards which landmark we ran. We just ran. It was at this time our group got split up. Casie & I were together. Ricky, Cassie & Mendy were together.
We were rounding some sort of corner maybe- and I looked to the right and I saw this large cowboy sitting down with his legs spread, holding a blood-soaked woman. I thought to myself “we NEED to hide”, but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic. That is the exact moment in which I thought this was it, I was going to die, I was never going to see my family again. So, as we are running, we approach this fence where men are throwing women over, and we ran up to it as they had knocked It down, so we were able to get out. As we crossed the threshold of the venue, my mind went straight to other mass shootings and hearing the victim’s families in my head talk about how they never got to say goodbye. I did not want this for my husband (who was at work) & my grandma (who had my daughter, Scarlett). So, at 10:07pm I called my husband franticly leaving him a voicemail- telling him that I loved him and was in the middle of a shooting & I wasn’t sure if I would make it out alive. Next, while still running, I called my grandma to tell her the exact same thing. But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And It was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one.
As we were running, we kept changing direction, because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed. So we ended up running in a weird triangular path. The first place I remember getting to was a parking lot, and I told Casie (who was slightly in front of me) we needed to get under one of the trucks. She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot. Everyone around us was panicking once again. So we ditched the idea of getting underneath a vehicle, and we continued the run for our lives. If you know me, you know I am a big girl, who is out of shape, and who definitely does not run for any reason. But I can tell you I ran like I have never run before.
The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust. At some point, we ended up at the airport & even entered the building for safety. Everyone as we entered were screaming at the staff “IS IT SAFE IN HERE?” but we weren’t getting anyone to answer us, so after running about 30 feet into the building, not getting the answers we so desperately needed, we decided it, too, wasn’t a safe spot, so we got out of there quickly and continued running.
After all this running, we were tired, sore & having to stop to cough, gag and even vomit. We ran across an intersection & us & another group of people pleaded with a limo driver to let us in and get us out of there. He was clearly confused & didn’t understand what was going on, so he didn’t let us in. Next, we ran to a taxi van & she was willing to let us in, but she told us her van only held 4 people & she wasn’t going to let the 5 of us in, so we said screw it and continued running. At one point, we ran passed a small liquor store where they so graciously gave us water bottles. We passed UNLV as well.
Some things I can’t remember exactly where we were or at what time of the night they happened. But we were running along what I am guessing was Tropicana Avenue, and this dark colored sedan drives by, slows a little, and a smaller Hispanic, dark-haired woman leans out the window, and she yells something we couldn’t understand in a clearly taunting manner. It really freaked us out, because again, we didn’t know who we could and could not trust.
I don’t remember at which time, but at some point, Ricky was reminded by Cassie that his Uncle Manny lived in Vegas. He called him, and we made a plan to meet him at a grocery store a couple miles away to get picked up. We finally made it to him, he shoved us all in his car, drove us to our hotel (we stayed off the strip), waited for us to pack (this literally took us all of 10 minutes max to do), and escorted us to the freeway to get us home. A HUGE thank you to Uncle Manny for his love, generosity & kindness.
The what-ifs still kill me. What if we hadn’t decided to be chill that night? What if we went to the same sardine-like spot we were in the two previous nights? What if we had been drinking as much as we had been Saturday night? Would we have had the reaction time to escape? What if I hadn’t had the desire to move next to Casie? Would we have been separated? There are still so many what-ifs from that night.
I have bene watching the news non-stop since I arrived back home to my family. And it just doesn’t make sense. The story that are feeding everyone doesn’t add up to our eyewitness accounts. There is something wrong with what they are saying & the evidence seems fake if you ask me. There are multiple people stating that there was a lady towards the beginning of the evening who had made her way up to the stage warning people that we were all gunna die- her and her boyfriend were escorted off the premises. Why has she not been mentioned by authorities? Every single survivor I have talked to also remembers multiple shooters, and at least one from the ground- why aren’t we being taken more seriously? Tons of things don’t add up.
I know I am forgetting a bunch of what happened, and I will edit this post to include it as I remember.
I praise our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, for surviving a horrific incident. People were dropping like flies all around me, and there is absolutely ZERO reason why I wasn’t at least struck with a bullet. I left the Route 91 Festival completely unharmed physically, besides some scrapes and super sore bones & muscles. Mentally, however, is a different story. I do okay during the day, but as soon as nightfall hits, I get super scared & anxious. I am even typing this up with butterflies in my stomach and a racing heart. I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to go anywhere, ever. I can no longer be in any place with large crowds- concerts, festivals, theme parks, zoos, etc. I can no longer trust anyone around me. I can no longer close my eyes without seeing those bodies & hearing the sound of gunfire. I am ruined, as are thousands upon thousands of people.
We were given wristbands to wear for the 3-day event. I can’t seem to take mine off.
We went to Las Vegas for a super fun, down to Earth country concert featuring our favorite artists. We left scared, scarred, traumatized and broken. And for that, we demand answers.............. "
Does this clearly intensely written and horrifying story seem Fake to you ?
As well as the death of this clearly key witness Kymberly Suchomel we have, as I have already reported two other employees which have possibly witnessed too much or said too much as they too have disappeared never to be seen again by family and friends with their social media accounts also being deleted and removed !! There names are Jesus Campos who has not been seen since the day of the shooting. He was the security guard who is reported to have recieved gunfire throught the door of room 135 on the 32nd floor from the shooter Paddock, 6 mins before he actually opened fire reportedly onto the crowd below at the ROUTE 91 Festival ! But I will say that Jeusu Campos maybe, I think, one of the shooters, as i do explain in this one of my recent posts on the subject !
The second is a hotel valet of the James Murren run MGM owned hotel was Chad Nishimura, a long term employee of company, having himself reportedly helped Paddock up to his room when he had arrived on the 25th of September not on the 28th as orgionally reported to the press by the Las Vegas Metro Police,who being art that time in control of the operation ! But since then it has been handed over to the FBI under the leadrship of Aaron C Rous, who is incidently known for being the master of coverups by all accounts having worked quite heavily on the recent Orlando shooting !I am linking just below a report on this extremly strange disappearance of a known man in this hotel, without trace !
So do we see the very same tactics of coverup being used in the case as after the Kennedy Shooting where 300 known eyewitnesses were systematically suicided and killed in all sorts of strange manners and removed from the debate, before they could be questioned to what they themselves saw on that day in Dallas Texas !??
Your thoughts and reactions as ever most appreciated in my comment section below. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and ideas on this very worrying matter !
According to her account, where are all the other people that witnessed the firecrackers going off? What about the guys helping people over fence; did they see gunman approaching them? If gunman in crowd, why is no one reporting that they were near them or saw them from their hiding place?
Of the people running out of Hooters, why have they not come forward to say why they did that? Why has traffic light camera footage not been reviewed or released to confirm vehicle that approached with the Latin lady?
I just don't understand why there isn't a site to report the thousand of vantage points from the attendees to put together more specifics and collaborate it. Then further back it up with the cameras from nearby businesses, vehicles, traffic light cameras, cell phone footage, other casinos, etc. Of the thousands that were there, I would think each of their accounts would have been posted by now and the public would have days and days of material to go over despite there being an investigation.
You can't control that many people not to post their experience. Yet, there are only a small percentage of videos and testimonials from that night.
It's odd. I just want to know the truth of what happened but it seems a very small percent of people are talking.
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Think about it. Las Vegas has more CCTV than practically anywhere else in America. They have all the footage they need. We could literally be sifting through thousands of hours of compiled CCTV footage. There is indeed a site to report what attendees saw and experienced. And that's exactly what the FBI wants. It wants everyone's footage. They already collected the footage from the city. Then they asked for "all good citizens to turn in their evidence (i.e. cell phones) under the guise of "gathering more evidence. Which is total bullshit. And anyone "talking" is ending up dead, or their houses are being burned down to the ground. If I had any piece of advice to give to any survivor who was there that night, and has footage of the incident, I'd compel them to post it on the blockchain IMMEDIATELY! Will it get them killed? Probably. But at least we'd have a better version of the truth. I mean, c' footage of either the incident, nor the 200+ visits the supposed "shooter" made to Vegas. Impossible. Absolutely impossible.
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To the point. Absolutely impossible.
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Well they have been asking people to phone a help line asking that anybody with possible informations or video footage which may help the investigastion to take contact with the FBI ! Thing is when the people get their cameras or phones back all of the footage contained within and given to the FBI has been wiped ! I guess that helps to answer to some extent this good question you make ! Then as we see more people dying strange deaths and disappearing with no trace, I guess that furhers the already clear reticence for anybodty to get invloved and noticed by the powers that be controlling this shitstorm !! But yeah I hear you @jmteha, we share the same opinion and frustration, seems just surreal eh ?? Did you know that just after the Kennedy shooting their government agents asking for everyone filming and phtographing to hand over their cameras immdeately and the films were removed and put into the sunlight before the owners ! Why indeed the only images of the shooting is the famous 3 sec film that somehow survived and made it to the screen !
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G, are you aware of the 302?
The FBI has a policy of not recording interviews. They rely on a secondary agent to hand write notes from the interview. Which is then turned into the "official" account of any interview, called a 302. And if you, as an interviewee, dispute anything written in the 302, you are subject to prosecution. And, no, I'm not kidding. Go ahead, read it for yourself. And follow all the links in the story. But, grab a bucket to vomit in. You'll get physically sick when you realize how deep this goes, and you'll have a better understanding of 1)why we're never going to get the truth, and 2) why you should NEVER comply with the FBI:
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No I am not aware of this, I must say that the F.B.I would not be my first choice of people to deal with at any level ! I think we have seen all the films and know full well since along time they are handed over to Evil doers and dealings !
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All I can do is cry after reading this.
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Yeah that what I felt too, its just so honest and not fake, you can smell it no ?? And now her child is alone with the fsather !! Becuase of some psycopaths that want to sell their scanner machines and others that have an agenda with others investing and devesting to make a quick buck on the back of this sick and totally diseased plan !
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If this statement is true, could it be that the government is hiding something? If so, what is it that needs to be hidden? By the way, what causes the death of Kymberly?
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The United States Government hides everything from it's citizens. Every "official narrative" you hear is a lie. All of it. Question everything, trust no one. If they work for the gov, and their lips are moving, they're lying.
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Well she is apparently a longtime sufferer of epilepsy and she had been reported to have already a few attacks recently ! She had been prescribed something to alleviate her stress and inability to sleep after the duress of the attack ! Sao we are reporting that she died possibly from an attack of some sort in her sleep !! The mother herself seems not to question the verdict !! It could indeed be stress related and not foul play, but then again her death is still to be attriibuted directly to her experience that night no ? Still the same cause of the consequence !
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You could be right. The thing that happen that night causes so much stress and anxieties to those who were there including their families, how much more for Kym who had been suffering such illness for a long time. That trigger, might be the culprit of her death.
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PTSD on top of epilepsy...that's a really bad combination.
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yes so you see (, but again her death is directly attribuable to this event, even though she did not die on the night and so with young mothers very untimely death comes the figure of 60 deaths that night in Vegas before that Black Pyramid of ISIS!!
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And that pyramid of ISIS is where your research should dig a bit deeper....I am thinking of writing down my findings here soon, but need more time to unravel and digest all I have found.
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Encouraged to post this comment:
"the last time I was at Wal-mart, I noticed the pharmacist who was filling my order had a name badge on... but it was turned around, so you couldn't see her "welcome to Wal-Mart, my name is..." instead...
printed on the back of the employees name badges...
are color codes.
orange=spill on aisle 9
yellow=missing child in the store
black=terrorist/active shooter in the building
so, this is the mindset Americans are in now. I've instructed everyone when we go to wal-mart if we hear over the loudspeaker"Code black", to get as fast as we can to the sporting goods section. That's where the guns and ammo are sold. If that is compromised, we're to meet in the kitchen section, because that's where the knives are. If we're in Home Depot, we're to meet in the gardening section, because that's where the axes and machetes are shelved"
It's my only way of coping. Humorless humor.
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Good Lord @disarrangedjane you do seem to have all this well worked out in advance ?? lol
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Sad to say, but yeah... It's the sign o' the times.
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Like I said buddy, the body count will be going up until all dissenting witnesses are silenced. A truly free people would never allow this to happen. The media and authorities are complicit in the cover up . It's a disgrace.
Chalk one more up for the bad guys.
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Yes its our collective cowardly silence when seeing all this bad behaviour in our goernments workings since 911 which is the chief cause for this fire which rages now clearly around us ! Its time to stand up or die @tremendospercy, no doubt to my mind !
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This is serious, all the conspiracies and government silencing(killing) people are true, and people cannot do anything about it. DEMOCRACY.
The lady died after narrating her part is painful to know.
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yes @thatindianlady, truly suspicious no ? But her family seems to be accepting the explanation given for their daughters death as she was an epileptic and they are being told that she could have suffered another attack in her sleep, due to the stress of the having to run for her life that night !! I still think they somehow got to her with one of their " known " methods of administering something by microscopic dart which can target you in a public space without your knowledge, hours later you are dead !
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Yes known method, this is suspicious af, seems like a total hollywood movie, and whatever they show in some movies about the ugly governments is real.
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the films are made by them, when they find an interesting scenario of some possible use thery make them real ! sad indeed @thatindianlady !
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did anyone noticed there is no news about her death on the "established media"? I guess that is not so interesting righ..?
I checked USAToday, bbc, reuters, euronews.. nothing. That should give us a clue of who we can trust
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