How Much Phishing is Too Much Phishing?

in news •  4 years ago  (edited)

Phishing is and has always been a significant threat to internet users. It takes control of your ‘lizard’ side of the brain and exploits it.

What’s going on?
A report by Interisle Consulting Group and Illumintel states some major facts about the phishing landscape in 2020.
First off, the exact size of the phishing problem remains unknown. However, the problem is bigger than it seems.
Most phishing is focused on a small number of domain registrars and registries and hosting providers.
Of all the maliciously registered domains, 65% is used within 5 days of registration.
Around 9% of phishing attacks are conducted on a small number of subdomain service providers.

Some phishing instances
The Australian Cyber Security Centre issued an alert warning of a wave of Emotet attacks targeting the critical infrastructure and government agencies in the country.
A digital marketing agency, teamDigital, was found exposing clients’ sensitive data. The clients include NFL, NBL, Mastercard, and Soundcloud, among others. This data leak can possibly lead to targeted phishing and ransomware campaigns.
G7 finance ministers expressed their concern over the rise of ransomware attacks against hospitals, educational institutions, and critical infrastructure.

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