in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

There was a man who thought he was living the worse life because he was unable to incur himself a satisfying meal in a day in all the days of his life since the demise of his parents during his young age. He kept struggling but nothing seems to be profiting, whatsoever he placed his hands on was not working out fine so he had the urge to make a step for a suicidal act. On a very good day he trek a long distance away from the community he was living to a forest where only the sounds of birds and cricket could be heard with a rope in his hand. Along the journey he had a pair of banana in his hand with the thought of hanging himself when he had finished eating the banana as his last food.
He went on and tie the rope and was sitting on top of a tree, he fixed his neck right in it so he could get himself hanged after he might have finished his last meal, but Immediately when he peeled and threw away the skin of that banana, someone else from a distance ran as fast as to feed from the bananas peel that he had thrown. He was astonished and immediately unties his ropes and went back home with happiness, that was how he knew that his situation was perfect, and he began giving glory to God, from that day God blessed him more abundantly because he had acknowledge that his position was not as bad as he thought.
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The first can become the last and the last can easily become the first. In any position you find yourself never look down nor look discouraged because tomorrow may be another story, and a day for good things nor bad things to come, for nobody knows what tomorrow is bringing our way. More importantly remember to acknowledge the supreme being behind your life for the good and bitter situation because he knows best and what is right and when to give you or put you in that post you want. Even when you think about that very position you are and sometimes how bitter it is, there are people who long to overthrow you just to fix themselves in.
Most people are eyeing that position you think it’s suitable for you. Just bear in mind that God knows best and his deeds are done at the appointed time, he might be looking to see you have a contented heart towards the very small you have so that he may bless you the more.

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