A gangster masterpiece And the rifle's premature death

in news •  6 years ago 


A gangster masterpiece, And the rifle's premature death

Rafida Khan Rifa At the age of the year. Cute, cute I would love to see it. There was a slight throat in the throat. Could not eat The idea was that tonsill could be. A day back, the hospital was admitted to the hospital. So that the saline needs to be met. After admission, the doctor gave antibiotics to other medicines. After the first feed, light shock began. The doctor is informed that this antibiotic rifa can not be tolerated. Then the eminent doctor said. Provision was shown to Barua. Although he was supposed to come in the morning the next morning, he came in noon. The fee was Tk 2200. Give 2 minutes time. Rifa never seen for a while. If you tell about the seizure, go without saying anything. Afterwards, the nurse said that the antibiotics should be given to the neck problem. Then, at 9.00 pm, Ravi was riding around to swim. After a while, Nurse gave an antibiotic. Rift A tooth has broken into a tooth to bite teeth. Rifa is bloody. Doctors, nurses try to stop blood. Then Dr. Regulation said to the nurse on mobile, give sleeping medicine. Doctor wants to know what doctor will do to doctor Debashis. He ordered to give everything. Then the nurse said that the whole child! Debashis said in the north - more than that can be given. Then the nurse gave sleeping medicine. Rifa fell asleep! Forever! Who is the fault! Who is responsible for this murder?

Each daughter is a princess with a father. And when the body of the princess is taken in her father's lap, what can be more heavier than that? But Rubel took the brother's lap, slept in the grave, joined the protest. When this morning, when his father was coming out with a rifle frozen body from Prof. Leine's house, the air was becoming heavy in the scream of the mother of the rifle. He was just saying, 'Do not take my life with you. I will not live without him. ' I do not have the language to tell what happened at that moment. Rubel brother and his future will be able to understand how he will mourn.

Now tell the gangster story. At 1:00 pm at the CUJ President-Secretary, Press Club President-Secretary, BFUJ Vice President, Joint Mahasikibas, at least 50 journalists went to Max Hospital. Before leaving, the supervisor in charge, trying to untie the main file of the treatment of Rifa. We go and find it out. Meanwhile, the police came. The caretaker supervisor, who was given antibiotics, was sent to the Chawkbazar police station with the help of police and a doctor on duty. Whatever we go with.

In Chawkbazar Police Station, many of us are standing in the chair crisis, doctors, nurses and supervisors are allowed to sit. They are treated with the highest respect. Meanwhile, OC came. All were discussed in the meeting, after the investigation of a full investigation into the whole incident with expert doctors by an investigation committee, action will be taken against the accused or accused persons this morning.

About three in the night. In the room of OC, the new Mastana of the city. Who is the leader of doctors and doctors! We look forward to seeing him because of the hope that he would be more easy to find the culprits. But within 10 seconds the idea changed. After finishing the yest handshake with OC, he charged the police. Why did they bring those three to the police station? If he wants, you can stop all the hospitals in Chittagong within one hour. Threatened- will stop the treatment of journalists.

Hao Dare U Faking Leader! Did you jump above the top of the Andorkilla poles? This is the key to your leadership. Make fun of? Bullying I asked him- "I did not ask you once, whose child died. What is your leader? Did you behave like this without knowing anything? He replied, 'Do I know that journalist?' This is the leader's virtue! However, in all the countries of the world, the name of the greatest profession is medicine. Doctors are called God! And we have some idea about the behavior, treatment, etc. of the rest of Bangladesh except a few doctors. Cable - Doctors of Bangladesh can threaten to stop treatment, stop treatment. In many countries of the world, the treatment is not far behind, there is an example of threats. You can make such bullying if you choose the doctor's vote (see how our vote was also seen).

The charges against this Max Hospital are not new. Firstly, there are allegations that this hospitalization has been developed by influencing the controversial places. And there have been several disagreements since the beginning of the hospital. There have been many accusations, including the death of the living baby, the death of the child in the wrong treatment. Again many such complaints are not publicly available. A woman complained a few days ago that her five-month-old newborn baby had died due to wrong treatment. He came to me for a news release. When he told the incident, he cried. But he could not give a document that would make a story stand. Even then I went to the accused doctor and talked to me. He very well put the responsibility of the whole incident on the woman. Today, after this incident, more than one person called me and said, "This incident is not new. Today you may protest because your child is dead. 'In other cases, they were buried in the hospital.

Come back to the story of Mustaine. People say that he has provided medicines from the eggplant, triple killer, recruitment business dealer, medical contractor and hospital's eggs. Open Secret in the news of the hospitalization of the hospital with numerous hospitals and other people's hospitals including Chapainawabganj. In the past many such arrogant behaviors have happened. But he survived the pole. And every day he survived and became irresistible. The thing is that in this country war criminals, anti-humanists, BGB, RAB, police, journalists, lawyers, politicians are such a profession that the person of the profession can not be detained or questioned if he is found guilty of crimes? Or do we believe in moderate protest, do not know that vandalism is our result?

I want to say to my medical-bit colleagues that the time has come to stop these gangsters. If the journalist community is united, so that the pillar of Andarkillar is so loud that its poles will be forced to stand on the right side.

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Sad news, so painfull

Really Bro