Hawaiian Eruption - What is going on?

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is nearing a catastrophic eruption which has not happened in over 94 years. This activity falling very close to the anniversary of the last major explosion.

Jonathan Wright of thecodesearcher.com lives in Hawaii and will be reporting on the current situation as well as discussing how locals are beginning to pray to ancient volcano gods and what the bible says about praying to false gods for deliverance.

Hawaiian eruption.jpg

In this interview Jonathan spoke about the the current information coming in about the volcanic activity happening in Hawaii, showing various maps and diagrams explaining the situation. He also shared how the native people have oral traditions that may parallel the travels of ancient sea faring Israelites who could have settled on the islands. He also mentioned how "Hawaii" backwards pheonetically sounds out the Tetragrammaton "YHWH" or the ancient scriptural name of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.


Another thing we discussed was how natives are praying to ancient island gods, such as the godess Pele. We explored this concept through a biblical worldview, as we both have a passion to share our christian faith to indigenous peoples.

Thanks for checking out my interview!

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God loves those Holy places!!!

It is a beautiful place, pray for the safety of those around the possible eruption location. This may be the largest scientifically recorded volcanic activity to date according to Jonathan who I interviewed. Could be a massive eruption. Interesting how it falls nearly on the 94th anniversary.