More news from Clif High regarding november Web Bot data...Things get "bat-shit" crazy

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi all

My email acquaintance, Clif High has been running his processes for the November ALTA report, and decided to post, yet, another video regarding the coming election, economic crash, real estate , gold, silver, and Bitcoin prices, as well as everyone outside of the US, after the election, are inclined to believe that Americans are completely "Bat-shit crazy!" Here is his video. There are problems with the sound towards the end:

(Video Source: clif high YouTube Channel)

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Great video, really like his stuff and reports. Looks like the dollars gonna go down according to this:p

Well, I think it will be more complicated than that. If you live in the US, like I do, prices will go up for things that are IMPORTED, and might stay the same or go up less as much, for things made in America. However, what is made in America today??? Not much!!! Anything that was purposely inflated in a bubble (real estate, cars, etc), will most likely go through the floor, because the interest rates will soar, and people's ability to pay, goes way down. Basically, anything that you really need, prices will go up (food, toilet paper, gas). Anything that is considered discretionary spending (a home, a car, the big screen TV), that will be less desired and not even purchased--one might get one-time deals for that, but afterward, one might not be able to get it. ANYTHING from out of country will go up, because no one will want T-Bills as payment...they might take gold silver, dollars. We will be living in interesting times (as the Chinese would say).