Intensify Socialization to Strengthen Community Understanding

in news •  7 years ago 

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Banda Aceh - Aceh Regional Secretary, Drs Dermawan MM appealed that the implementation of Islamic Sharia which has entered the 16th year in Aceh, can continue to be socialized by relevant stakeholders. With intensive socialization, people's understanding of Islamic Sharia will be stronger.

This was conveyed by the Regional Secretary, when reading the written greeting of Governor of Aceh, Drh Irwandi Yusuf M Sc, at the opening of Coordination Meeting and Evaluation of Qanun Enforcement and discussion of Grand Design Syariat Islam in Aceh, Wednesday (11/10/2017).

"To support this effort, we need a clear and concrete formulation, to be poured into a Grand Design, as a reference in implementing Islamic Shariah in public life," said Dermawan.

Generous expressed, although faced with many challenges, but the many achievements that have been achieved during 16 years of implementation of Shari'ah Islam in Aceh is very worth to be grateful.

In facing these challenges, the Government of Aceh through the Office of Islamic Sharia, quite dynamic in formulating Shari'a policy in Bumi Serambi Mecca. This is evident from several changes that continue to be made, including the change of Qanun Jinayah which has undergone several revisions.

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"The move is also strengthened by the capacity building of the apparatus in the field of Islamic Sharia, so that the apparatus can understand and become the best example in the implementation of this law in our area," said Dermawan.

As is known, Law Number 11 Year 2006 regarding the Government of Aceh, has mandated, that Shari'a of Islam should be enforced kaffah and become community reference in life.

Following the mandate of UUPA, in the last three years the Aceh Government through the Office of Islamic Sharia has conducted a series of discussions, research, FGDs, and various meetings with academics, ulama and other stakeholders, to formulate a comprehensive Grand Islamic Shari'a Design.

In the formulation, it has been decided five sectors that become the focus of the attention of the enforcement of Islamic Sharia in Aceh, namely law, education, economy, customs and culture, and governance.

"Of the five focuses, then we can say that the Shari'a will become mainstream for all policies in our region. Thus, the policy of Islamic Sharia will be the spirit for the performance of all SKPA and SKPK, "said Dermawan.

On the occasion, Sekda appealed that the five focus of the enforcement of Shari'ah Islam should be the main focus in the discussion on this activity, thus increasing the repertoire and insights related to Grand Design which has been prepared by the Office of Islamic Shariah Aceh.

"In accordance with the main focus, there are five things that need to get the spotlight of the grand design, which is the effort to enforce the fundamental Shari'a law, such as Muamalah law, Shariah economic law, refinement of Qanun Jinayah and others," said Dermawan.

Furthermore, the Regional Secretary, encouraging the creation of Islamic governance in order to support the presence of bureaucratic service that is easy, cheap, effective and bersyariat, the next point is to organize and strengthen the education of Islamic character, both from the aspect of the curriculum and the environment

The last two points submitted by the philanthropist are related to the strengthening of Shari'ah-based customary law. And, encourage Shari'a policy to improve the productivity and competitiveness of Acehnese people based on Islamic principles.
"We know together, the struggle to uphold Islamic Sharia is not an easy thing. But by working together, God willing, various difficulties that exist, we can handle with wisdom. Thus, our goal to implement the Islamic Shari'ah kaffah will be realized, "said the Secretary. (Ngah)

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