Banker Bribes Used to Impose Global Covid19(84) Lockdown/Measures & Belarus Not Playing the NWO Game: Report

in news •  4 years ago  (edited)


Is the New World Order International Banking Cabal Using Bribes (and threats) to Motivate Imposition of Global Covid19(84) P(l)andemic Lockdown/Measures Across the World?

That’s exactly the claim being made by one Italian journalist, who reported that according to intelligence sources, such offers have been made to many European and even non-European countries, and went on to theorize it was likely that even his own country of Italy had been among those strong-armed into global compliance with the totalitarian covid measures adopted by the governments of so many countries across the entire world.

Such payments made by globalist organizations may be at the heart of a scandal indicated by charges recently brought against Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and six of his ministers by the “prosecutors of Rome” in response to various complaints made by Italians across the country; crimes which include “epidemic crimes,” “abuse of office,” “attack against the Constitution,” and “attack against the political rights of the citizen,” as reported by the Italian newspaper Republicca on August 13.

At the end of July, in his article entitled “Let’s abolish the Civil Protection, repository of all corruption and Trojan horse of the New World Order,” Nicola Bizzi reported on the court order issued July 23 which likely played a large part in the materialization of this case against Conte, to publisize the “minutes of the Technical Scientific Committee (CTS)” which the author said would expose the true basis of the Conte Government’s plan:

to stage the "State of Emergency", the lockdown, the arbitrary suspension of the civil rights of sanctioned citizens from the Constitution and all the Orwellian repressive measures that we know well and that we have experienced on our skin in recent months, from "social distancing" to muzzles.

Meanwhile the President of Belarus who from the beginning refused to go along with the global Covid19(84) agenda also said in statements made in a press conference that attempts were made by the IMF to bribe him into imposing a communist-style lockdown and other Orwellian measures on his people in similar manner to the rest of Europe, which he promptly rejected.

On Friday, June 19, “Lukashenko said the International Monetary Fund was demanding Belarus impose lockdown measures as a condition for loans, but Minsk would not cave in to the demand,” as reported by Reuters.

Nicola Bizzi writes, in his more recent piece (translation from Google Translate):

Last month, the President of Belarus Aljaksandr Lukashenko, who has notoriously refused to take any emergency, lockdown or "social distancing" measures in his country, said at a press conference that he had received a large cash offer (92 million Dollars) by the World Health Organization, so that it could do “like in Italy”. An offer that, after Lukashenko's sharp no, would have even increased tenfold in a few weeks: 900 million dollars, this time offered by the International Monetary Fund, accompanied by the same request: close everything and do “as in Italy”. I know from intelligence sources that similar offers have been made to many other European countries and not just European ones. And I also know that many heads of state or government, including the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, did not hesitate for a moment to accept them. Logic therefore has it that Italy (which, as we well know, has always played the role of model-pilot throughout this drama) could have had a lavish offer in this sense and, knowing well the mentality of our politicians, I doubt strongly that it has not been accepted. Moreover, this hypothesis could explain where and how the Conte government found the resources destined (probably already at the beginning of the year) to strengthen the police forces to ensure the stability and success of the lockdown.

And while it appears the Italian journalist may have gotten the order of the offers mixed up, there is evidence that both of these offers were indeed made, and no verification that either was issued in the end.

It was reported on April 21, in regards to the IMF response to a loan request by the Belarus government, that: “Depending on the terms of access to the IMF's Rapid Financing Instrument, Belarus may claim the equivalent of roughly $900 million.”

It is quite possible those “terms of access” included an injunction to impose a nationwide lockdown across Belarus, and when President Lukashenko declined, the loan too was then too declined in its entirety.

The article also mentions that an agreement had also been reached with the World Bank regarding a €90 million loan. The World Bank itself announced approval of the loan on May 22, though it is unclear if the money was ever actually transferred to Belarus.


Is there any truth to Lukashenko’s claims, which support the theory backed by intelligence sources that international bankers on the world stage are using ‘coronavirus aid’ payments as a method of ensuring widespread compliance with the pre-planned measures including nationwide lockdowns across the world?

We do know that bribery of local governments is a common tactic, regularly used by the western empire when various nation-states don’t play their imperial game, as the primary means to force compliance - well documented in the insider expose and NY Times bestseller, Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins.

Economic Hitman TedX event:

John Perkins speaks at a Library on his confessions:

Interview with the former economic Hitman:

If the leadership of a country is not willing to play the imperial games and bow to the US/Israeli/European demands, then the CIA are sent in to assassinate leaders and/or instigate ‘color revolutions’ to bring about regime change, usually accompanied by crippling economic sanctions. Venezuela (failed attempt), Iran (failed), Syria (partial failure), Libya and Ukraine (imperial successes) are prime examples from recent history of this imperial game in action. When all else fails, then the imperial troops are sent in to topple the non compliant regime through war, as happened in Iraq.

We know that at the beginning of this year amidst the drama of the US assassination of the top Iranian general in Iraq accompanied by widespread Iraqi demands for US troop withdrawal, the former Iraqi Prime Minister claimed that he had been threatened by the US, told that if he did not go along with their occupation of his country, that he would face a local uprising, a CIA-instigated Syrian-style color revolution no doubt.

There is also evidence suggesting that an IMF payment to Ecuador (a bribe) was used to pressure the Ecuadorian leadership to revoke the long-time Ecuadorian asylum of Julian Assange last year in order to get the high-value target and political prisoner into western imperial hands.

In light of this knowledge regarding economic ‘aid’ via IMF loans and other means, as well as direct cash bribery, as a standard US/Western tool of persuasion and control, it is not far-fetched to imagine the same wouldn’t also apply in the current scenario. Especially considering that following the alleged bribe attempt by the globalist bankers, Belarus fell victim to the standard ‘step 2’ used by the imperialists when the first step fails - instigation of color revolutions by foreign actors...

Police in Belarus arrested demonstrators and journalists on Friday evening to break up new protests against President Alexander Lukashenko, hours after he blamed foreign plotters for fomenting unrest.

The protests allegedly surrounded the jailing of Lukashenko’s biggest political opponent who is being backed by the imperialists.

“Lukashenko said his government had foiled a plot to foment a revolution akin to the street protests in Ukraine in 2014,” Reuters went on to report.

"That was the goal. The masks were torn not only from certain puppets we had here, but also from puppeteers who sit outside Belarus," he said.

For those who may not remember, the “street protests” of Ukraine mentioned here consisted of a violent US-backed neo-Nazi takeover of the Ukrainian government which resulted in a still ongoing civil war, between the US-backed neo-Nazi puppet leader and the districts which seceded from this new government in an attempt to retain their freedom in the face of the new violent fascist leadership.

The recent events in Belarus have all the trademarks of foreign intervention. As @lighteye concluded in his excellent post on the subject:](

Could it be possible that the colored revolution in Belarus was started because of Lukashenko’s disobedience? Let’s see facts in comparison to the mentioned Serbian dictator. In Serbia, elections were obviously stolen (Serbian language), but EU didn’t lift a finger to react in favor of the people in protests, followed by a brutal police intervention. Is it because long outgoing Serbian government has immediately imposed the measures of terror over its population, without any medical justification? Meanwhile, without any solid evidence of electoral fraud, EU is firmly standing behind the ‘popular will’ and already making a sanction list towards Belarus officials.

We only could speak of double standards if any standards exist. Unfortunately, there is only one standard now: Obey to the New World Order or die.

In considering the likely possibility that international bankers are at play in implementing the totalitarian Covid19(84) measures worldwide, using their monetary power, it is worth noting that it is incredibly obvious that a global power elite far above the leadership of individual nations is responsible for dictating by some means or another the scripted and nearly identical measures being uniformly implemented in supposed response to the so-called pandemic all across the world.

For example, there are now at least 71 countries including the majority of US states which have issued some sort of mask mandate on the public. A few months ago, mask mandates were few and far between while most countries had imposed various types of lockdowns on their people. The measures are clearly being coordinated as a global agenda is being unleashed on the whole world.

Sweden and Belarus are the only two European nations who did not go all-out implementing Orwellian 1984-style lockdowns and enforcing muzzle-mandates on their slave-populations like all their neighbors and the majority of countries around the world have done. Sweden has been viciously attacked by the mainstream media for its ‘noncompliance’ with the global standards, despite instituting some less restrictive measures, while Belarus faced a violent uprising.

We know that that in the US, the economic shutdown was pre-planned. “This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy,” president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank James Bullard said in late March.


We also know that in a press conference in May, President Trump clearly reiterated this fact, stating that the shutdown was “artificially induced,” as opposed to being caused by the ‘pandemic’ as has been assumed by far too many. “They said ‘close it down, you have to close it down,’ so we closed it down,” he said.

Video also on BitChute:

Who ‘they’ are is a matter of speculation, but in light of the previous candid admission by a Federal Reserve branch president, and knowing just how much power the international banking cartel wields over political policy in countries all around the world and how much they stood to profit by the shutdowns, it is more than likely Trump was referring to the bankers, or at least to his banking-insider advisors.

For those who don’t believe Trump is a puppet of the bankers, please inform yourself by watching the following video demonstrating how Trump was very clearly bought out years ago, admittedly by the very bankers who are undoubtedly pulling his strings today:

Lastly, we also know that the CARES Act, otherwise known as the $6.2 trillion coronavirus ‘stimulus’ package, was introduced into congress a full year before the virus was declared a global pandemic, and many months before the virus first landed, demonstrating not only foreknowledge but also just how far back the planning for this globally organized p(l)andemic really goes.


It is not unreasonable to assume that the global figures behind such a well-planned and organized endeavor would naturally use all of the tools at their disposal, including economic pressure and bribery, to ensure widespread global compliance with and implementation of a ‘new normal’ which had been so long in the works. In fact, it would be unreasonable to assume that they wouldn’t do so. While we may never know for certain the true extent of such backroom influence over covid policy, it would be naive and ignorant to disclaim the reports of such influence currently taking place as inherently ‘conspiratorial’ or out of character with the entities being accused of such bribery.

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Excellent post! Thank you!

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