Convention of States(U.S.) Update April 6thsteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)


The feds are clueless.

Dear Americans,

The American people had high hopes for this year's Congress.

So far, they've only proven one thing: they aren't ready to make the changes this country needs.

The grassroots, on the other hand, have been busy.

They've been pushing for an Article V Convention of States all across the country -- and have seen huge success.

Keep reading to learn more.
CALL TO ACTION: Join the party on Twitter!
Ready to use your presence on Twitter to spread the word about the Convention of States Project? Our supporters have built their very own Twitter war room where you can schedule pre-written tweets and amplify our historic message! Check out the training video below to get a glimpse at the tool, and then click on the button below to get started.

The scheduling tool allows you to tweet about Article V all day long. Schedule your tweets in advance, and let this handy site take care of the rest for you!

Together, our voices are powerful.

Click here to watch the training video and join our Twitter Rally today!

Click here to see the War Room!

VIDEO OF THE WEEK: Surgeon warns about crumbling health care system.

D.C. insiders live in a bubble, but their decisions have consequences on all of us. That's why Dr. Garza-Graham joined Convention of States Texas. Federal overreach is out of control, and she wanted to do something to stop it. Click here to watch.

FREE WEBINAR: Introduction to Convention of States

If you know anyone who's interested in the Convention of States Project, but you aren't sure where to start, encourage them to attend our free weekly webinar! We go over the basic information, things like...
Why do we need a Convention of States?
What's Article V?
Steemit Link to Article V of the United States Constitution
How does a Convention of States work?
What can I do to help?
Plus, it only takes half an hour. The call is free and open to the public. All you have to do is RSVP at the link below.

Every Tuesday - 7:00 - 7:30 pm EST: Introduction to Convention of States Project. RSVP here.
Click: Yes, I want to learn more!
Progress Update

Here are all the latest numbers:

Total Passed States: 10
Total House Wins: 22
Total Senate Wins: 15
Total States with Committee Wins: 24
Total States that have filed the COS Resolution: 44

Facebook Likes - 1,480,351 - click here to invite your friends to 'like' us on Facebook!
Petitions Signed - 580,650 - click here to sign and share the petition!
Volunteers - 55,829 - click here to sign-up as a volunteer!
District Captains - 2,363 - click here to become a District Captain!

P.S. The Convention of States Project has George Soros worried. So worried, he's launched a campaign against us. You can help fight back by donating to COS Action. From now until April 18th, a generous donor will match your contribution, dollar for dollar. Twenty dollars becomes $40; $100 becomes $200. Join the fight against big-government federal overreach -- and all those who support it.
Donate Today!
It is important to contact your state and federal officials. Here is where to find Federal, State, and Local elected official contact information. You will be surprised to find out that many Federal, State, and Local Elected Officials Support the Convention of States but we have to make the goal of 34 States!
How to find and CONTACT your Elected Officials

Some people claim America,, the United States is an EMPIRE(!). The Convention of States will put an end to that.

If you want your freedom and liberty to continue...If you want fair and just treatment as a citizen again...If you want fair and equal trade...If you want the Federal Government out of so many things in your lives which they gave themselves the power to do...If you want America to be great again - These things will only occur if you as a citizen make your voice heard. There is much support among what people call politicians who have realized, they can't fix anything from taxes, to deficits, to wars, to education, to poverty because there are imbalances like no term limits for judges and elected officials.

The Convention of States is the answer and it must be obeyed whatever they rule. Many things that have crept up over the last 50 years as rights have diminished and dictatorial powers were used such as the national surveillance of everyone! Let's get rid of them before we do have an empire instead of a free country.

Veterans! This means you too!

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Until psychopaths are marked and known, a convention of the states will be controlled by them. And then we will end up with a constitution like the UN.

Freedom, in name only, that can be dispensed with any time those in power feel like.

Yes, it sounds pretty, but it is missing very important parts. Just like the important parts that were in the Declaration of Independence, that are not in the Constitution for the United States of America. (rip)

So, right now, I cannot support a convention of the states.

Thanks for the comment: Then, the probability of a civil war is very high. I too "worry" about the same thing as does everyone and yet, the psychopaths use that worry and continue to gnaw away at liberty and freedom. Sometimes, as in the original revolution, worry is a part - We either hang together or we will all hang separately - Benjamin Franklin

Much thanks for your post. Again, your concerns are very valid and only your courage will ensure that the psychopaths do not get control. Whether or not they are psychopaths, much has changed, one being lifespan. Should elected or confirmed officials such as judges be able to stay in a position for life when it could be sixty years? The founding fathers, the framers of the Constitution never foresaw that people would live so long or they would have had term limits. Since someone can die at any time, they must always be replaceable. No human being is completely necessary for the survival of the species or the country, yet somehow we find ourselves in that position with them being paid the same whether they are in office or not.

Either way you turn whether you follow the Convention of States or not, it is likely to occur. So, since it is likely to occur in order to avoid civil war because no one wants a civil war, do you want a civil war?