What will happen if Trump is not crazy?

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Some people say they do not like Trump. CNN said the Russia thing was a Nothing Burger according to Van Jones, fake brother of Info Wars Alex Jones. In this video, below, Scott Adams, talks about it. They said it is not presidential to tweet. Trump replied and said, it was not presidential but it is modern-day presidential.

Trump also said that CNN and fake new media are like the senior citizens yelling, "Stop Tweeting on my lawn, Trump." You know Trump could be the old people. Trump is working harder than like 5 younger people half his age combined. Trump is 71 years old right now as of 2017 this year. You cannot unread, unthink, unhear, or unsee what Trump says and does. Trump WWE body slams CNN to the ground. CNN said that is bad but CNN said Kathy Griffin can behead Trump. NYC Play can murder Trump. Madonna can blow up the White House. Johnny Depp wants to murder Trump. Jim Carrey wants to murder Trump with a golf club or a leg. Oprah might run against Trump. The Rock Dwayne Johnson and Facebook Mark are thinking of running against Trump in 2020. Many famous people want to run against Trump or murder Trump. But Trump can't make a meme joke about CNN? The fake news said it is so bad if Trump does that. CNN also said it is ok when people talk about killing Trump. http://DrudgeReport.com

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Trump can walk off a cliff twice

Do you like hurting people?

you like that girl?

Scott Adams is one of the smartest guys on the internet. The people who listen to him are not shocked or confused by the present state of the world.


I agree. He has been able to explain why Trump does what he does. It all makes perfect sense once Scott explains it.

The fact that Trump is willing to lower himself to the same level as the gutter media, pretty much makes it clear why its not Presidential for him to behave the way he does.
Two wrongs, do not make a right.

And just to be clear, Im not an American, this is how the rest of the world see whats going on in your once great nation. How sad.

What you said is the same argument the gutter media uses. You are using their argument. CNN and others said it. Michelle Obama said in 2016 that when the right goes low then the left will go high and take the high road. The left said that when Hillary Clinton becomes the 45th USA President, then the right will become violent and try to kill, steal, riot, hurt, protest, and do many bad things. Trump won and then the left did what the left said the right would do and will do. The right did not do the bad things. The left continues to do bad things. What Trump did and does is not bad. It is not low. If you think it is low, then you are part of the gutter media. Your mind is low. You believe in what the gutter media believes too. You say what the gutter media says. You think the same thing the gutter media thinks. You agreed with the gutter media. You are the left. You are not on the right. You believe in what the gutter media says. Everything you said to me in your comment above IS THE SAME THING the gutter media says.

Your polarized parochial left/right viewpoints have no bearing on the facts, its irrelevant to what I said, Im not for Hillary or any of them, Im just an impartial observer.

You are a liar or you are dumb. Go to Drudge.

I can assure you I am neither a liar, nor do I have difficulty with my lingual or mental faculties. Unfortunately Im unable to speak your idiomatic language, I dont know what you just said.

Anyway, my views dont count, like I said at the beginning Im not even an American, so console yourself. Have a nice 4th of July.

You continue to double down on lies like CNN. You are very bad or very dumb. There are things I know that either you do know or do not know. If you know what I know and do not talk about it, that means you are bad.

Specifically, what lie did I 'double down on' in my last comment?