Head Of Libertarian Party Named In Wikileaks List Of Secret US Intelligence Assets

in news •  7 years ago 

 In late 2011, hackers managed to crack into the databases of the  global intelligence firm Stratfor and found a large volume of  information that connected the firm with military contractors,  government agencies, and confidential informants. 

In the first months of 2012, these documents were made public by Wikileaks and included millions of emails, which showed Stratfor’s web  of informers, pay-off structure, and other vital information about their  covert operations. 

Stratfor has picked up the nickname “Shadow CIA” and had  relationships with Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman,  Raytheon, Goldman Sachs and various government agencies, including the  US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines, and the US Defense  Intelligence Agency. 

The leaked data has been published on Wikileaks website for years and is known as the Global Intelligence Files.  Due to the large volume of data involved in the leak, years later researchers are still pouring through the files in search of clues that  give a glimpse into secret government operations, or possible names of  informants. 

This week, The Free Thought Project received a tip from one of our readers that Nicholas J. Sarwark, the current Chairman of the Libertarian party, was named in the Global Intelligence Files. Sure enough, a quick search of the Wikileaks website shows a number of listings for Sarwark’s name. 

One listing had an address that is tied to one of his businesses.  The Republican politician Sarah Palin was also found on the same list. To confirm that this was the Nick Sarwark of the Libertarian Party and not  someone with the same name, TFTP traced the address listed to a business owned by Sarwark’s family, Family Loan Co Inc. The loan company  is attached to Sarwark’s used car business, which he has written about on his blog. 

The official public address for the car business is 1610 E. Van Buren St. in Phoenix, Arizona, but bizstanding.com also lists a second address, 5916 S Kenneth Place, Tempe, Arizona, which is the address connected to Sarwark in the Wikileaks file.  

What  this means is that Sarwark had some type of relationship with Stratfor,  either as a client or an informant. To confirm, TFTP searched for a  number of other former and current Libertarian Party members and found  no other matches aside from Sarwark. 

According to a press release from Wikileaks, “The emails also  expose the revolving door that operates in private intelligence  companies in the United States. Government and diplomatic sources from  around the world give Stratfor advance knowledge of global politics and  events in exchange for money. The Global Intelligence Files exposes how  Stratfor has recruited a global network of informants who are paid via  Swiss banks accounts and pre-paid credit cards. Stratfor has a mix of  covert and overt informants, which includes government employees,  embassy staff, and journalists around the world.” 

The release went on to say that, “The Stratfor emails reveal a  company that cultivates close ties with US government agencies and  employs former US government staff.” 

Many of these emails contain a confusing web of jargon and Stratfor  employees were careful to speak in code and not be overly specific in  their discussions of the details. 

However, it is clear that all of the  names listed in these emails are involved with Stratfor as a client or  informant, which means that they were either paying Stratfor for  sensitive intelligence information, or they were a paid informant themselves. 

According to Barrett Brown, the journalist who became an unofficial spokesperson for Anonymous, “This  wealth of data includes correspondence with untold thousands of  contacts who have spoken to Stratfor’s employees off the record over  more than a decade. Many of those contacts work for major corporations  within the intelligence and military contracting sectors, government  agencies, and other institutions.” 

Brown spent years in prison simply for being a spokesperson for the  group, even though he had no involvement in any hacking activities. This is the latest in a series of controversies  surrounding the current leadership of the Libertarian Party. While the  specifics of Sarwark’s relationship with Stratfor are unclear, it is  certain that some type of financial or informational exchange took place  between the two, prior to Sarwark becoming Chairman of the Libertarian Party. 

When the story went public, Sarwark made a statement to 71 Republic stating that a family member gave him a subscription to Stratfor’s services as a gift. 

“The Excel spreadsheet is a list of gift memberships to  Stratfor’s email newsletter. My brother-in-law bought me a one-year gift  subscription for Christmas in 2008. I did not renew after it expired,” Sarwark said.

 This excuse still does not match up with the Wikileaks press release,  which states that these names are high-level assets and not just  average subscribers. Still, if what Sarwark says is true, a subscription  to intelligence briefings is a strange gift to pass between family  members, and even stranger for someone who claims to be a Libertarian. 


My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 

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Interesting but not surprising. Keep em coming John!

#blockchainrevolution | We the people must create the solution to the status quo money is speech & corporations are people programming that monetizes fiat fictitious money thru perpetual petrowars vs PoC. )

Thanks John for revealing this information to the steemit community. It is really good to be informed about these sort of things, just so that we can broaden our knowledge about what is REALLY happening in our world. Thank you and keep it up!

I thought it was funny how just when Gary Johnson was about to hit the threshold to be in the debate a known CIA agent announces his third party candidacy ostensibly aimed at drawing support away from Johnson.

Seems like the intelligence community is pretty desperate to get eyes and ears in the Libertarian Party. I guess that non-aggression thing isn't too popular with the spooks.

I wonder if American intelligence has an ally in the Green Party, too.

Par for the course in a totally corrupt society. I wouldn't have expected otherwise. Interesting gift I'd say!

It's all a big club, and you ain't in it!

It is abundantly clear that all major political parties are tied in with 'the world management team' and are typically little more than puppets.
upped and resteemed!

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your writing can add insight and knowledge. i love to read it