Lauren Southern & Luke Rudkowski Punched & Drenched In PisssteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  7 years ago 

The more I see of AntiFa, the more I hate them. Yes. Hate. I can't help but hate hateful creatures that pretend to be for tolerance, pretend to stand for peace and pretend to be anti-fascist while being the more intolerant, violent, fascist group I've ever seen.


Suppressing opposing views and acting like a bunch of violent children is not anti-nazi or anti-fascist. In fact it's a tactic that's often used by actual nazis and actual fascists.

Today while filming at an anti and pro-Sharia Law protest in New York, Lauren Southern and Luke Rudkowski not only got piss and some type of chemical thrown on them by one of the mentally handicapped adult children (AntiFa)... But also got punched and shoved while a bunch of morons who refuse to actually have conversations and debate blew horns in their ears.

This is what happens when you film. This is what happens when you dare ask them a question.

These adult children are nothing but trust fund nazis with violent intolerant collectivist viewpoints and they should be shamed into submission. They are a cancer on the planet.

Thank God for people like Luke & Lauren.

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Thanks for reading and make sure to check out Lauren Southern's new Steemit:


As well as Luke Rudkowski's Steemit:


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The first time they threw piss at Lauren, some of it got on me too.

lol I remember this well. hahaha Richard Heathen...

Throw piss on everyone is just part of antifa's culture and we should accept that :)

Maybe they identify as pissgender!

Did you just assume antifa's gender?! You in trouble now.

Shit, I didn't mean to be insensitive man, I mean xir! Sorry, didn't mean to assume your gender! I gotta check my privilege and quick.

Winning comment right there


That's their argument?! Blowing horns at you! These people are completely insane. They obviously can't hold down a job and are unemployable, otherwise they'd be at that job. Telling Lauren that she is inciting violence is just too fucking hilarious. Sooner or later the right will fight back. Civil war in the making.

Yeah, the guy must be super tough. Getting in a blonde girl's face with a mask. I'd love to fuck that guy up.

These people are unbearably annoying. What is their goal exactly?

To be loud intolerant children who can't find success so they just decide to try and stop anyone else from finding success while making loud noises, stomping their feet and crying. lol
They make me ashamed to be a millennial.

Now we have to work twice as hard to differentiate ourselves from them OR get lumped into the same group.

You've described them perfectly, adult children.

Feeble minded sooks who didn't get what they wanted, and now they're having a massive tantrum.

A constant perpetual public temper tantrum like a kid who didn't get what they wanted at the store and decided to roll around on the floor screaming. They're the worst.
They are delusional enough to think they're some kind of revolutionary when they're the ones holding up the establishment, defending it while shutting down any possible rebellion. Pathetic.

Anti-fa are nothing but a bunch of goons; spoiled brats who care much more about rioting, hurting people and smashing things than fighting actual fascism.

SJW's are cancer. It is really sad how people can get so brainwashed that they would attack people for protesting sharia law while simultaneously complaining about how "oppressive" western culture is to them.
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Honestly, I just smile to see anti-fascism and supporter-fasicm.... We are all human, just several things make us different such as culture, physical, skin color, religion, habit and the way of life. Diversity in harmony will occur if we can understand about other people and treat them as human also try to make other understand about our difference in good way. Give Anyway nice posting! :)

If you read 1984 you will see that hate is what was used to rule the minds of people.