Roger Daltrey EXPOSES Socialized Healthcare & Calls Corbyn A Communist (Freedom Minute)

in news •  7 years ago 

roger daltrey exposes socialized healthcare thumbnail.png

In this video, I report on a recent story out of Britain as Roger Daltrey of The Who calls out the "National Health Service" and says healthcare shouldn't be free.

Daltrey has been vocally against the European Union and has called Jeremy Corbyn a closet communist. Now Daltrey is taking on the healthcare system, saying that it causes young people to not take care of their health as they're dependent on treatment at the expense of tax payers.

While Daltrey is not incorrect, we expand on the issue. From a moral perspective, it's wrong to steal people's money to give to big special interest groups.

From a logical perspective it simply doesn't make sense. People's money is stolen, handed to big pharma corporations that are then monopolized. They have no incentive to provide the best service or product for the best price as there is no competition. The government eradicates any potential competition and creates massive monopolies. The prices of medication go up simply leading to more money being extorted from the populace. Problem, reaction, solution, repeat.

In a free market, first of all, without taxation people would have a lot more money in their pockets and without fiat inflation of the price of living people's money would have far more buying power.

Then, in a free market, there would be countless companies competing with the best product for the best price, constantly leading to lower prices. Incredible cures to diseases would be a regular thing as markets are innovated. The market would be based on the demand of the individual via their money.

Charities would take care of those who cannot afford the now incredibly cheap medication.
This isn't rocket science.

We're happy to see someone of Roger Daltrey's stature calling out the absurdity of the so-called "free" healthcare system. Nothing is free. Individuals must rule themselves. Be independent, self sustainable, healthy, responsible. The hallmark of freedom itself is responsibility after all.

See the FULL video report here:

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Keep bustin out those great vids boss! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Nothing will ever replace FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE ❗️Let me tell you folks a little story about CHICAGO’s Mayor ZIONIST RAHM EMANUEL . He made it illegal for street venders with wheeled carts to sell food to the public , and then went after the food trucks aka roach coach . And the city has been sinking deeper into debt ever since . In an interview you must watch one owner stated that they had to layoff hundreds of workers and supporting workers like those who can maintain those vehicles were also affected . This is a communist state that is in the BILLIONS in debt and loosing revenue everyday . Just to protect rich restaurant owners that said they we’re losing money because of them ⁉️ COMMUNISM ❗️And now things have gotten worse . Look for communist Illinois to be the catalyst in any financial collapse .

Multi millionaire Roger Daltry complaining about poor people getting free at point of use healthcare. What a wanker.
The true worth of a community of which I am 1 in7 billion is the ability to take care of the weakest members.

Well the message I got from Josh is :

Free is not free, tax dollars is funding this monopoly that the people now don't have a choice against. There is no free market competition to drive prices down.

Let me start with Government produce nothing. In order for Government to give something for free it has to take it from some one. Just getting some numbers to put things in perspective.
This is a link to 2015 article on the cost of health care in Canada for example.
CTV News article
Now this is just napkin math.
Google say UK NHS 2017/18 budget is £125B. Using the 31M tax payer count from We get the cost per tax payer is £4032.

Is privatised health provision the reason why US citizens have such good health?