YouTube Just STOPPED Our Live Report! - This Is Getting INSANE!

in news •  5 years ago 

YouTube took down our stream calling it "inappropriate content" while we were in the middle of reporting on what's happening in Venezuela. They ended up processing it and taking away the inappropriate content label shortly after. This is so stupid. They destroyed the report and the stream. Arbitrary attacks on free speech and a slap in the face of all YouTube users.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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that's sucks (

It’s called COMMUNISM . And its SHIT . I’m sorry this is happening to you man 🤨 . But yeah they’re highly manipulating your volume because sometimes I can’t hear you so good except for the end of your show , and then its too loud 🤦‍♂️ . But it also demonstrates that your on the right track . Keep fighting and we’ll keep listening .