Obama's political correctness program "PROMISE" threatened teachers and school admins with civil law suit it they referred minority students to police in disproportionate levels to whites, forcing schools to cover up incidents and turn a blind eye. The program also paid participating schools $54M in funding. Schools had a double incentive to hide criminal behaviour from police.
As a result the numbers of arrests of students dropped from the 1,400 mark to the 350 mark per year as black and Hispanic students became untouchable.
The school originally stated that Nikolas Cruz, the school shooter, wasn't part of this program but a newspaper reporter discovered that he was on the 7/5/18. Cruz would have had a criminal record and not been able to buy a firearm because of this program. He would also have come to the attention of family services due to the cruelty to animals and domestic violence incidents at his home and undergone psychiatric assessment.
Cruz spent 1/4 of all of his middle schools days under either suspension, time outs or counseling. Spending time at 6 schools in his last 3 years of education. He was banned from the school where he murdered 17 fellow students and prohibited from having a backpack prior. NOBODY COULD OR WOULD DEAL WITH HIM!
Another government program that seeks to address equality of outcome ever the root causes of the problem, resulting in multiple deaths. Will the policy makers ever be held accountable?