🔫Another shooting in Wisconsin tonight! Prompts governor to call in the national guard! I believe ALL LIVES MATTER ! HOW ABOUT YOU!? 🔫

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Tensions have flared in Milwaukee with another person shot, and a police officer injured , as protesters also threw rocks, in the same area where the fatal shooting of a suspect Sylville Smith , by an officer took place, and prompted the riot !
Over the past 2 years especially, the aparent police violence against African Americans has set off intermittent, and at times violent protests , igniting the debate over race and policing which has also given rise to the Black Lives Matter movement.
There were peacful vigils earlier that day , untill Sunday night when police rescued the victem of one shooting and took him to the hospital. And one officer was also taken to hospital after his patrol car window was smashed by protesters.
20 police in riot gear , faced 100 protesters as shots began being fired , and bottles and rocks thrown, as they tried to disperse the crowd! Which continued into the early hours.the police did not call in the national guard as they restored order, but the governor did in case more violence broke out after 23 year old Sylville Smith was shot after fleeing from police. Now the police officer was wearing a body camera that clearly shows Smith turned towards him with a gun in his hand after a routine traffic stop. Later it was found Smith was carying a stolen gun loaded with 23 rounds of amunition.and he had a lengthy police record.
When are human beings going to stop acting like savage animals! I mean the night before all this shots were fired, 6 buildings burned, and more patrol cars damaged! The fact that this is area has a reputation for crime and poverty, should certainly not give them the reason to behave this way! Its become such a media circus , that all it does is add fuel to the fire!
The bigest question is how and when will it ever end! When will adults start behaving responsibly, and stop teaching there children the same bad behavior. !? When will the government step in ?! Surely theres something they can do!?
I would really like to hear your opinions on this , and the growing Black Lives
Matter movement. ALL LIVES MATTER To me ! How about you!?

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Racial labels are being used to make the MSM propaganda work according with the agenda for this summer of chaos. Sunday was the second day of rioting and the entire thing already smells rat.

Different news outlets controlled and owned by the same criminals have been reporting about this incident and I have noticed many inconsistencies in the reports, for example, "The victim of a house burglary reported 500 rounds of ammunition were also stolen with the handgun," police said in a statement, and the same gun with exactly the 500 rounds were confiscated by the officers implicated in the shooting. hum, what a coincidence don't you think? On the other hand the racial direction that this is taking from the first 2 hours after the shooting seems to me like something that was already planned in advance and the provocateurs were ready and organized to start the riots. Black Power here sounds more like Soros Power, who knows, maybe in politics nothing is planned and everything happens randomly. Lol.

Thanks for reading.