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$10 Billion Webb Space Telescope Arrives at Europe’s Spaceport - SciTechDaily
The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived safely at Pariacabo harbor in French Guiana. ESA in close collaboration with NASA will now prepare this once-in-a-generation mission for its launch on Ariane 5 from Europe’s Spaceport this December. Few space science…
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Published At 2021-10-13T09:38:09Z, author None
Did the Big Bang begin from a singularity? Not anymore. - Big Think
We used to think the Big Bang meant the universe began from a singularity. Nearly 100 years later, we're not so sure.
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Published At 2021-10-13T06:00:00Z, author Ethan Siegel
Physicists Have Made the World’s Most Precise Measurement of Neutron Lifetime - SciTechDaily
An international team of researchers has made the world's most precise measurement of the neutron's lifetime, which may help answer questions about the early universe. An international team of physicists led by researchers at Indiana University Bloomington ha…
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Published At 2021-10-13T02:52:04Z, author None
Eerie Discovery of 2 'Identical' Galaxies in Deep Space Is Finally Explained - ScienceAlert
Galaxies are a bit like fingerprints, or snowflakes. There are many of them out there, and they can have a lot of characteristics in common, but no two are exactly alike.
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Published At 2021-10-13T01:58:38Z, author Michelle Starr
How being an older parent could be beneficial for offspring -
Becoming a parent later in life could have beneficial effects for your offspring—in roundworms at least—according to new research from the University of East Anglia.
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Published At 2021-10-12T23:00:01Z, author Science X staff
An 'unusual' radio wave sent from the middle of the Milky Way has experts confused - USA TODAY
A team of international researches detected radio waves coming from the center of our galaxy, but what is causing it remains unknown.
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Published At 2021-10-12T22:00:32Z, author Jordan Mendoza, USA TODAY
Brace yourselves, humanity: The "Cow of Comets" approacheth - The A.V. Club
The largest comet ever observed will graze within our cosmic pasture come 2031
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Published At 2021-10-12T21:00:00Z, author Andrew Paul
Stories from orbit: Q&A with SpaceX Inspiration4 commander Jared Isaacman - CNBC
Jared Isaacman, commander of the SpaceX Inspiration4 mission, talked to CNBC in-depth about the three-day spaceflight experience.
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Published At 2021-10-12T20:39:31Z, author Michael Sheetz
Quantum phase transition detected on a global scale deep inside the Earth -
The interior of the Earth is a mystery, especially at greater depths (> 660 km). Researchers only have seismic tomographic images of this region and, to interpret them, they need to calculate seismic (acoustic) velocities in minerals at high pressures and tem…
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Published At 2021-10-12T20:35:09Z, author Science X staff
Earliest known use of tobacco revealed - HeritageDaily
Archaeological evidence indicates that humans first started using tobacco around 12,300 years ago. - HeritageDaily - Archaeology News
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Published At 2021-10-12T20:10:44Z, author
Solar storm: Northern lights put on a show in Minnesota - Minnesota Public Radio News
Green curtains and red pillars flashed across the northern U.S. Monday night and Tuesday morning.
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Published At 2021-10-12T17:45:47Z, author Paul Huttner
Very Large Telescope Images 42 of the Biggest Asteroids in Our Solar System - Gizmodo
From the massive Ceres to the dense Kalliope, these objects help us understand the soup from which our solar system formed.
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Published At 2021-10-12T17:30:00Z, author Isaac Schultz
With first Martian samples packed, Perseverance initiates remarkable sample return mission -
NASA, along with the European Space Agency, is developing a campaign to return the Martian samples to Earth.
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Published At 2021-10-12T17:08:12Z, author Science X staff
Researchers unlock secret path to a quantum future -
In 1998, researchers including Mark Kubinec of UC Berkeley performed one of the first simple quantum computations using individual molecules. They used pulses of radio waves to flip the spins of two nuclei in a molecule, with each spin's "up" or "down" orient…
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Published At 2021-10-12T16:23:48Z, author Rachel Berkowitz
Challenging the big bang puzzle of heavy elements -
It has long been theorized that hydrogen, helium, and lithium were the only chemical elements in existence during the Big Bang when the universe formed, and that supernova explosions, stars exploding at the end of their lifetime, are responsible for transmuti…
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Published At 2021-10-12T15:52:32Z, author Science X staff