The news in a nutshell

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The news in a nutshell

> 🤖 The category is: science

Planet orbiting a dead star previews our own solar system's fate - Engadget

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Scientists have spotted a Jupiter-like exoplanet orbiting a dead star that was once like our Sun..

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Published At 2021-10-14T09:11:58Z, author

Meteorite Crashes Through Ceiling and Lands on Woman’s Bed - The New York Times

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After a fireball streaked through the Canadian sky, Ruth Hamilton, of British Columbia, found a 2.8-pound rock the size of a large man’s fist near her pillow.

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Published At 2021-10-14T06:37:29Z, author John Yoon, Vjosa Isai

Mysterious Source in Deep Space Generates 1,652 Fast Radio Bursts in Just 47 Days - ScienceAlert

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A source of powerful radio signals from distant space has deepened the mystery of fast radio bursts.

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Published At 2021-10-14T06:33:29Z, author Michelle Starr

'Extraordinary' unknown radio signal from heart of Milky Way puzzles astronomers - CNET

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What buzzed Earth from the center of the galaxy? Scientists are trying to work that out.

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Published At 2021-10-14T06:00:07Z, author Jackson Ryan

NASA's daring Lucy asteroid mission is ready to launch -

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NASA's newest asteroid mission, a spacecraft named Lucy that will target space rocks that orbit ahead of and behind Jupiter, is ready to begin its journey.

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Published At 2021-10-13T21:22:18Z, author Meghan Bartels

Perseverance rover finds evidence of ancient floods on Mars, researchers say - NBC News

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NASA's Perseverance rover discovered evidence that the Jezero crater on Mars it touched down in was once a lake bed fed by a river with floods, scientists say.

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Published At 2021-10-13T20:55:13Z, author Evan Bush

We Asked a NASA Scientist – Did Mars Ever Look Like Earth? - NASA

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Did Mars ever look like Earth? We think it did! Ancient Mars may have been wetter and warmer — similar to our home planet. So what happened? Scientists like ...

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Published At 2021-10-13T20:23:41Z, author None

Holey metalens! New metalens focuses light with ultra-deep holes -

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Metasurfaces are nanoscale structures that interact with light. Today, most metasurfaces use monolith-like nanopillars to focus, shape and control light. The taller the nanopillar, the more time it takes for light to pass through the nanostructure, giving the…

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Published At 2021-10-13T20:05:14Z, author Leah Burrows

Why skyrmions could have a lot in common with glass and high-temperature superconductors -

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Scientists have known for a long time that magnetism is created by the spins of electrons lining up in certain ways. But about a decade ago, they discovered another astonishing layer of complexity in magnetic materials: Under the right conditions, these spins…

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Published At 2021-10-13T20:02:48Z, author Science X staff

James Webb Space Telescope completes its voyage to French Guiana - The Register

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Only a million or so miles to go

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Published At 2021-10-13T17:30:00Z, author Richard Speed

Physicists propose a new method for defending the Earth against cosmic impacts -

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In February of 2013, skywatchers around the world turned their attention toward asteroid 2012 DA14, a cosmic rock about 150 feet (50 meters) in diameter that was going to fly closer to Earth than the spacecraft that bring us satellite TV.

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Published At 2021-10-13T16:56:46Z, author Sonia Fernandez

NASA Turns to the Cloud for Help With Next-Generation Earth Missions - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the leading center for robotic exploration of the solar system.

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Published At 2021-10-13T15:30:12Z, author

Day–night cloud asymmetry prevents early oceans on Venus but not on Earth -

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Global climate model simulations of early Venus and Earth show that differences in the cloud regimes prevented ocean formation on Venus but not on Earth.

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Published At 2021-10-13T15:04:29Z, author None

A bimodal burst energy distribution of a repeating fast radio burst source -

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For FRB 121102, 1,652 burst events are detected over 47 days, with a peak burst rate of 122 per hour, a bimodal burst rate energy distribution, and no periodicity or quasi-periodicity.

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Published At 2021-10-13T15:03:50Z, author None

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