2-2-2018 My Daily Posts.

in news •  7 years ago 

2-2-2018 My Daily Posts. 32 Articles. To see all posts click on “Continue Reading.” If you like and want to share these articles don’t just hit the share button because it will only post the first article. You must COPY AND PASTE ALL THE ARTICLES for all of them to show up.
Government and Politics

  1. House Intel Committee releases unredacted FISA memo
  2. House Intelligence memo released: What it says
  3. House Intelligence Committee Report On FISA Abuses
  4. DANGER AHEAD FOR U.S. GOVT: Unable To Service Debt As Interest Rates Surge
  5. Deep State Deep Panic, Treason Exposed
  • FISA Frivolity: FBI Warns Memo Could Undermine Faith In Massive, Unaccountable Secret Agencies
  • Congressman: Deep State Running Scared As FISA Memo Will “Shake FBI To Its Core”
  • The Plot to Overthrow the President and Enslave the People…by the U.S. Government
  • EU to veto Brexit if Theresa May fails to protect citizens’ rights, Brussels sources say
  • Tillerson warns against China, Russia engagement in Americas
  • TCK RADIO, Robert Steele “Israel, Trump & the GoogleGestapo”
  • Deep State Strikes Back And Sends A Clear Message, What's Next
  • War and Military

    1. These Countries Have the Most Powerful Militaries in the World
    2. State Department to Send Ambassador to Singapore to Sell F-35 Warplanes
    3. US Forces Arrive in Israel as Tensions Rise Between Tel Aviv, Beirut
    4. Israel threatens Lebanon with ‘full strength’ ground invasion in case of conflict
    5. The SM-3 Block IIA by the Numbers: The Missile That Failed a Test to Protect the US Against North Korea
    6. What’s Driving US Effort to Modernize Its Nuclear Arsenal
    7. Trump prepared for military action in Syria to deter chemical attacks: Officials


    1. FDA bans flu tests in the middle of the worst epidemic in a decade, leaving doctors desperate — CDC continues to urge everyone to get the vaccine

    Media, propaganda and censorship

    1. Newsweek Hit Piece Calling Organic Food a 'Scam' Authored by Known Monsanto Propagandist
    2. Europe Cries “Never Again” As It Repeats History of Censorship And Euthanasia
    3. The Pentagon Papers vs. the FISA Memo: Once upon a time when the “mainstream media” was all about “government transparency”

    Money, Your Economy.

    1. Alabama Committee Passes Bill to Help Encourage Use of Gold and Silver as Money
    2. US regulators fine Deutsche Bank $70mn for trying ‘to rig benchmark rate’
    3. Chris Vermeulen: Panic Selling On The New York Stock Exchange – GET READY!
    4. Home Depot announces 1,200 new Atlanta area jobs; Lowe’s announces bonuses of up to $1,000 for all employees due to tax reform.

    Immigration and Refugees

    1. ICE Director Says 9th Circuit Court Is Causing Another Surge in Illegal Immigration

    Israeli / Palestrina

    1. UN list of firms linked to Israeli settlements a ‘waste of time’: Nikki Haley

    Weather and Geoengineering

    1. Controversial plan to create a chemical SUNSHADE to halt global warming may be 'economically, socially and institutionally infeasible,' leaked UN draft report says

    Other articles

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