STEEM WHISTLEBLOWER: @steve-walschot is having a Ragequit

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Earlier this morning on @steve-walschot decided to leave the community...

He then proceeded (backed by his streemian curation trail) to start handing out red flags..

I'm not the only one who he did this to either... Others are reporting similar things.

Bravo @steve-walschot.. Forever Creating Entertainment

Anyone receiving flags from @steve-walschot and his curation trail shouldn't be alarmed. It's just an individual lashing out at a system who's compensated him extremely well for not quite finished software. This man claims to be one of the top 25 EU security professionals in the world but can't seem to even control himself while leaving a social media platform that's been overall very rewarding to him.

Could of easily just been a civilized adult about leaving rather than causing drama and costing people money. Hope you choose a better path in your future days ahead.

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Sort Order: owner here. As a remark, steve's curation trail only constitutes 5 followers on Furthere, I'd like to highlight that I do not tamper with curation trails of my customers even if they misuse their trail. I will add some more options for people in the trail to customize their specific behavior but still, it's their responsibility to update on their picked curator's behavior. I'll make it easier for people to do so.

If you could please give Streemian agents the choice to exclude a) downvoting in general and b) upvoting of comments, from the curation trails they follow, that would be ideal. In fact, considering the potential for abuse, I would suggest not even giving a choice, just exclude downvoting (and upvoting of comments) altogether.

Thanks for removing the flags that steve placed on my posts tombstone.

No problem. I removed myself from his trail and removed all flags he placed on my behalf.

That's awesome, @tombstone. I'm not affected but I think that was honorable to go back and change the vote made on your behalf if you didn't believe it was the right thing.

Thanks again. <3

Hopefully this hasn't caused too much of a disturbance in your day!
Take it easy sir.

What do you have against voting for comments?

I think you misunderstood me. I have no problem with upvoting comments. I just think it's extremely undesirable to have entire curation trails automatically doing so.

Agree, hence why I don't do it often cause to newcomers at it can be pretty confusing. I remember a "newbie" who I had referred to using while steeming, she was pretty surprised seeing over 80 votes appear lasting over 5 minutes on her screen. :P

Plus comments are usually opinionated so if you curation-trail vote someone up it might seem like you are ganging up on the person disagreeing with the one getting voted, lol.

Oh and in case you are looking for someone new to follow, let me shamelessly advertise some info about my curation trail and manual voting activity from steemdb. :)

Oh, ok, I agree with you, it is very frustrating to see this behavior because it makes an echo chamber that excludes the random chance that I could get voted by these people if they did voting themselves.

Don't get me wrong again. I think curation trails are very valuable. They make it far more likely that good content creators will get noticed and rewarded. And of course they help ensure good curators get rewarded too. I just think curation trails should apply to upvoting ONLY (not flagging). And upvoting main posts ONLY (not comments).

I disagree that curation trails upvote 'good' content, that is entirely subjective, and as random as our users.
Most of the curation trails I have seen seek rewards on the vote.
Who follows a 'bad' curator that doesn't receive rewards, or votes 'bad' content?
If 'good' content was the goal it would require that each upvote be the result of each post being voted by each curator.
What two different people perceive as good is rarely the same.
I shut down my steemvoter because it ate up too much vote weight voting posts I wouldn't have otherwise voted, though I do want to support those authors.
That being said, folks got to use their votes how they see fit.

That kind of sucks for someone one the receiving end of abuse facilitated in part by your service..

Would you rather prefer I modify your curation trail at will?

I personally just don't want to change your settings. It's your decision to be part of a trail and it's the curators decision to misbehave. It's not my freedom to stand in the middle of those two parties, IMHO.

Please let me know i you come up with a way that makes both parties happy! I'd be glad to implement anything that brings forward Streemian and Steem!

I would not be opposed to your company stepping in to help curb abuse against people.

What's happened here, simply put is a social engineering attack against STEEM in a sense by steve. He's now using his power and given position to cause damage against those whom made his work obsolete.

While I respect you not stepping in.. at the same time being impartial to abuse isn't a great thing either.

I'll add a flip switch for them to disable down voting.
Keep in mind that there are also curators that are specifically downvoting, like steemcleaners.

I was just thinking this today.. We need downvote curation bots as well to allow people to be "judges" so to speak on plagurised and other crap content.

To be fair I'm not sure what the best plan on upvote / downvote curation trails are man. I'll think on some solutions here.

Let them fight it out. If you sell the service, then maybe make some sort of user agreement that provides for altering settings for abuse. But you're busy enough and it's free, so let folks work it out. This will pass.

Can streemian users choose not to follow flagging behavior?

I Will add this feature as soon as I can get to it

I'm waiting for your next comic........................

me too! :)

I wish I could get motivated enough to start ... again. I started it, then crapped out with disappointment after 30 minutes. :/

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

BTW Update to my issue with him! Nothing was payed back

I've grabbed his address out of the phone book if you'd like it.

For someone claiming to be a security expert then going and screwing people out of money he was pretty easy to find... He's got money now maybe best to approach him and get what's rightfully yours or press him with some legal pressure?

I'm not the only one who he did this to either... Many others reported similar things.

Can you be more specific? I see @steve-walschot downvoted lately only 4 posts, 3 of them being yours and 1 @someguy123 's.

On the other hand you downvoted 21 @steve-walschot 's posts recently.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

My 21 votes against his don't amount to the 30+ downvotes his curation trail brought down on me.

Perhaps it's a personal vendetta against me? I've no known reason for someguy nor myself to be targeted so I only assumed it was more widespread malicious flagging.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Does one have responsibility for their curation trail?

You need to report this in "steemitabuse" in steemit chat ! ♨

Flagged to counteract bot voting.

I'm dying! LIterally laughing out loud! I did a ragebreak myself! I just came back after a week, to find a RAGEQUIT! HA HA HA HA HA

Well in this case steve actually made off with like $7900 SBD and still has outstanding debt with @cass .. -_-

that's rotten.

Is there actually a whistle being blown here? i.e. is he bringing any actual information to the table, or is he just throwing a tantrum?

He's using curation trail to cast flags on people maliciously on his way out as he sells his account supposedly. That was the whistle here. Sorry if that wasn't clear at all in the post! I will revise it. :)

Very weird; I get he's against the hardfork; so am I. But to behave like this is just childish attention seeking.


Oh, you just got rage flagged. @klye

Interesting post @klye. I will be very much more careful with my flags from now on, understand it more now.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Flagged to counteract bot voting.

Thank you @abit <3 He hit a few of my previous posts to this as well. :/

You're a class act Steve. ~shakes his head~

Screenshots of me sending dick pics to 14 year olds? Rofl. Seems legit.

This is gonna be very interesting for all of the community to see. I'm waiting.

Me too. I can't possibly imagine what Steve's got cooked up for screenshots.

Just another monday morning on jesus.

i leave steemit for a week and come back to this! Oh, how i have missed the insanity!

Right?! Never seen so many dramakueens in one small area. lol!

It's absolutely nuts. Nothing like it anywhere! I guess that's why I'm addicted at this point.

Is there any way his account was hacked? I mean, I never remember him accusing people of sending dick seems way out of his element, but then again, i never knew him well at all. Have you considered him getting hacked?

what evidence you got?