I got Berzina, The Male and Female in Aceh Singkil Dicambuk 100 times.

in news •  7 years ago 


SINGKIL - Couples without a husband and wife in the District of Paris, Aceh Singkil, who was caught committing adultery a flogging sentence as many as 100 times.

Execute who became a shoe was held at the front of Regent's Office, on the island of Sarok, of Singkil, on Monday (29/12018).

Earlier, the two people who commit adultery was convicted by the Syar'iyah in Aceh Singkil, breaking Qanun of Number 6 Year 2014 about the Jinayah Article 38, paragraph 3.

The couple was adultery are sentenced to flogging sentence of the public, Noverius (34) and the Goddess Sartika Sihombing (21).

Based on the decision of the Syari'yah, both found to have violated Qanun No 6 in 2014. After the execution of the whip is they are otherwise free, said Nofri Hardi, the Prosecutor of the District Courts in Aceh Singkil, when reading the execution.

The way the execution of the whip by the executioner to face using a face cover would go smoothly.

The two tereksekusi be given when caught on the stage for sentencing.

The caning was witnessed by the Aceh Singkil, Dulmuarid, of the Regional Leadership Conference and other officials.

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