DEA at it again, Kratom and Mitagynine to be Placed on Schedule 1

in news •  9 years ago  (edited)

Go figure, the enforcement arm of pharma's interests aside from the FDA are at it again. Now if you have been following the fuckery regarding cannabis, you already know that schedule 1 means that a substance is supposed to be of no medical benefit at all and is highly addictive. Here is the form announcing the intent to ban nature.

Seeing as how Cannabis is on schedule 1 and is sold by various states as "Medical Marijuana" I'm left to question the authenticity of such an action. So I look at what this plant has to offer in the way of cutting into pharmaceutical profits. It turns out that Kratom is an effective anti-anxiety remedy as well as a tool that people have used successfully to get off of opioid addictions. It also just so happens that similar to CBD, Kratom can be used for chronic pain management. It would really suck for pharma companies if people found out that they could use plant extracts in the place of their chemical garbage laden in side effects worse than the issue who's symptoms are being treated rather than the core issue. You know, the hallmark of modern medicine.

This is really getting ridiculous and people need to wake up to the fact that the regulatory and enforcement agencies in the United States DO NOT represent the will of the people. Since when does government just get to go around banning nature in the interests of a conglomeration of pharmaceutical poison dispensaries? How much more obvious does this stuff need to get? 

So what will be the impact of prohibition of yet another plant? More people in jail for victimless crimes. The value of Kratom will be artificially inflated due to the prohibition of it and anyone with disregard for the law and willingness to sell it will engage in black market trade. Prohibition won't work and doesn't work. The incentivization structure of prohibition creates incentive for sales, not the other way around. It will give local departments as well as the DEA and other enforcement arms the ability to legally steal from the public via civil asset forfeiture. Less opportunity for entrepreneurship and more opportunity for prison in the land of the free. Thanks for nothing yet again DEA. 

Quite honestly the DEA needs to be abolished. The state has no room to decide what is and what isn't safe for you to ingest, that decision needs to belong to the individual. If it does not, that means that the individual might as well be property of the state. The criteria for what the DEA bans can pretty much be boiled down to two main points. 1) Does special interest want us to ban it? 2) Is it fun? In the future historians will look back and wonder why humans were so dumb in america as they will see it as we literally funded a government attack on plants for fear of safety. So give thanks to the DEA for keeping us safe from medicinal benefits. Their policies literally kill children. 

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Of course government is going to attack anything that's natural. Big Pharma can't make money to fund big government if it grows naturally! And big pharma's only goal is to get us so hooked on chemicals because there's no money in finding a cure for anything.
In my old home town, we were actually banned from growing food in our back yard. Additionally, we weren't allowed to hang out clothes out on a line either. And no, I did not live in a gated community with HOA bullshit.
What a sad time we live in.

The stupidity of the masses is catching up with the individual. This shit is terrible.

Another day in the life of a criminal cabal that is our government. Jailing the poor and giving to the rich. Everything always boils down to money and power.

I just published something similar: The DEA is Using Emergency Powers to Ban Kratom: An Herb Often Hailed as a Solution for Opiate Addiction (We Need Your Help!)

Also there is a petition everyone should sign. If they get 100,000 signatures (and they're on their way) the white house has to address it.

Another great post, Kush. I'd love to say that this is un-fucking-believable, but it isn't. Kratom has been illegal in Indiana, where I live, for a little while now. I personally have no experience with the drug personally, but I know that plenty of people have found great relief in its usage. What plagues the the most about this is the fact that the DEA, a regulatory agency, makes unilateral decisions to make a product "illegal." Sure, they "derive their power" from legislation, and the pro-government types would say that they are clarifying an act of Congress. It is for this reason that I believe less and less in government everyday. Why are our elected "representatives" allowing the enforcement branch of government make rules? The Constitution is only worth as much as the parchment on which it is printed.