Why Keapernick Doesn't Matter, and Why You are a Moron if he Upsets You.

in news •  8 years ago 

As I'm sure you already read, Colin Keapernick sat down during the national anthem *GASP* America is clearly under assault. Or at least that's what you believe if you are an idiot. So let's get to the meat of this event. Colin sat down for the national anthem because he feels that people of color are mistreated. He feels that the flag represents oppression rather than freedom. I can agree with him that the flag is nothing to honor but I would argue with him that you don't need to be a POC to get killed by the police in the streets without any consequence aside from paid vacation to come to the officer. To all the "Disrespect muh flag" types, here is why you lack logical consistency. Do you have to agree with his reasoning? Absolutely not. Do you have to like what he did? Certainly not. But all I have heard this news cycle from the "muh flag" people is conflicting points of view. The muh flag crowd says this is a dishonor because the flag represents freedom and the men who sacrificed their lives dying for it. Its supposed to represent the nation and all the supposedly good things we do like kill children in the middle east. But when this individual exercises his first amendment right to freedom of expression everyone loses their goddamn minds. If you hold the flag in higher regard than the document that supposedly grants everyone their freedoms even though it lacks the legal binding ability to do so, you are a moron. Chances are you suffer from getting your world view from corporate news media. 

Colin and his communist attire.

I thought this was were the story would end but it gets better! Colin does a press conference wearing a Malcom X hat and a shirt with Fidel Castro. So my guess here is that Colin is very confused and probably gets his world view from corporate media too. Apparently "Black Communism" is the sufficient representation of POC equality. Excuse me while I laugh. For those who don't know the reason that this could be construed as amusing is the fact that communism is the literal state manifestation of the oppression of the individual. The "group" is valued more than the individual and guess who the benefits of the collective go to? That's right, the actors in high rank in the state or state ran "commerce." But I guess if we were all slaves on a plantation with no rights and no property then we would be equal in that sense. There is a phrase that is common in communist countries, "We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us." Although I would cite the NFL as a corporatist organization, he would never make a wage like he receives today under communism. I'm also pretty sure that he doesn't understand that communism means that the state owns everything, and that private property for individuals is shunned. Ask a Cuban or a Russian over 40 how awesome communism is. So this is why Keapernick doesn't matter here. Do I support his right to express himself? Certainly. Do I think anyone is obligated to stand for a song just because the majority does? Absolutely not. Do I take Keapernick seriously? No. Does the state ruthlessly murder people in the streets without consequence? Yes. Is it newsworthy? Of course. Is it newsworthy for the right reasons right now? Absolutely not.

-Kush Freeman

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I would cite the NFL as a corporatist organization

I wish more people were aware of THAT. Not only has the government given the NFL permission to operate as a monopoly, but as a non-profit, to boot.

Although it might not be that big of a deal, I do understand why people are upset. If Kaepernick really cared about problems in the U.S., he could have done much better things to help the cause than sit down during the national anthem being played to honor veterans.

Yes! Colin doesn't understand that we need the private sector in order to create jobs. If the government could create sustainable jobs then Communism would have worked.... but it didn't.

People get offended by way too many things these days. I was in the supermarket the other day and I commented on a couples new born, the baby looked like a baby girl and I commented as such, instead of politely correcting me they blasted me loudly about how I am blind and very disrespectful. Sometimes its very hard to tell the sex of a new born.

That is Hilarious and your right people get offended at the littlest things.

I am an American and I do not watch football. I find it quite boring. And, a game takes entirely too long. And, there are way too many games played throughout the year. It's a game of chance. And, that chance...is a boring one. I am an abled-body person and I am capable of playing football, but sports (non-MMA) is just boring. I had to type all that to get your judgments out the way for my likes and dislikes. Anyhoo...I had no idea who this guy was a few days ago, even when I heard his name. And, then learned why people are mentioning him and I did not give one single crap. ...but, I learned what he said. This black American, who was adopted by Caucasian Americans and now makes over 100 million dollars speaks of "oppression". I know most football players aren't too smart, but saying that is just ridiculous. We can all get way deep into some other things he's stated about US and corruption, but I don't want to be here the rest of the week. When the NFL and NBA have hundreds of black folks making this kind of money, it's unbelievable anyone can think to say blacks are oppressed. Rappers!? Even though the best rapper is white, there are still thousands of black rappers and singers and comedians and actors (and Jamie Foxx, who can do it all) making crazy money too. I see no oppression, but regular people who had good parents, biological or not. "But, there are so many blacks on the streets, jails, and ghettos." Yes, those do not have good parents. And, their white, yellow, and brown friends who are right along beside them had crappy parents, also. Other than the evil which has infiltrated our government and the world banking system, the next biggest problem is accountability. And, if we continue, the next one is the many mindless Americans who worship all these athletes, actors, musicians and whatever nonsense they do for the foolish citizens to throw their money at these celebrities. And, I'm beginning to want to stay here all week, so I'll close. Turn off your TV! There's so much propaganda on the TV, it should be free.

I didn't bother to mention it in the article but i will here. Knowing corporate media, this "event" is as real as a FRN, and more than likely is being sensationalized to cover up real news.

True that! Since I learned of this today, I've been wondering what actually happened this weekend. The only thing I do know, is that "The Dollar Vigilante", Jeff Berwick, said the Chinese Yuan will be put into the SDR on October 1st...AND the US will no longer be in control of the "internet", meaning the Freedom of Information Act will become null and void once another body, probably the UN, takes control of the internet on the same day. So...what will happen to the US dollar and the internet on October 1st. October 2nd is also the end day of...I know this sounds crazy, but it's what the crazy people in the world's governing bodies refer to as Jubilee year or Super Shemitah. Financial crises aren't by chance. 2001 saw Twin Tower, 7 years later saw 2008 market crash, 7 years later, 2015 saw another crash, and after 7 sets of 7 years, there is one year of...renewing...which Brexit happened 7 years, 7 months, 7 weeks, and 7 days after the 2008 crash day...to the date. Brexit was also moved up a year for some reason. I forgot. But, just keep Oct 1 in mind for whatever may happen. Jubilee will not go out without a bang. (I don't know what FRN is.)