Paul Ryan speaking to the Congress on December 12th of 2017 about tax cuts.
Hello, people of Steemit! Today I figured I would tell you my politics not with ideological labels but rather by clarifying where I stand on the issues. And I figured I would start today with taxes & spending.
Let me speak of what I would like to see. Ideally, I would like to see no taxes and reliance on Non-tax revenues such as user fees, royalties, land rental, and fines for unprovoked physical attacks. But realistically, I realize that even the freest of free societies cannot sustain the moral and logistical necessities of a very strong military defense and a cautiously vigilant foreign policy without imposing a very light tax burden on its people. Which is why I work from within what can be done to get tax rates cut every year. But wait there's more! The big fiscal problem is not with taxes it's with spending! The reason we are $21 trillion in debt is that we spend beyond our revenue! So let me break down where I am on spending.
Ideally, I would like to fully decentralize any federal program whose function is not listed in the Enumerated Powers list of the Constitution, and on the state level like in Connecticut where I dwell if it's not in the state constitution then I'd like to see market consumers directing it with workers & salespeople providing it. And the logic there is the way Free Enterprise works, which is the better a worker or salesperson serves consumers, the more money the worker or salesperson deserves and earns. But realistically, I ought to work from within what the CRFB says is on the table, using this debt fixer interactive - - Using this debt fixer widget, I managed to create a plan for fixing the national debt that would bring the National Debt level for 2028 down from 93% to 64% of GDP while taking the National Debt's piece of GDP for 2050 down from 161% to 0%. With many spending cuts, some tax cuts and I even canceled certain fiscally reckless deductions. Go ahead, make your own plan with the debt fixer!
So my stance, in summary, is this: I would like to see us get rid of all income, payroll, business, estate, gift, and even sales taxes for everyone, but for the path towards that I would like to focus on cutting the rates by 2 percentage points every year to a minimum of 0% in each bracket. As for what can be taxed, I stand with history's first ever Free-Enterprise economist, Adam Smith, by saying that a land value tax of 10%, which would apply to America's $25 trillion of unused land, is the only justifiable tax ever possible. The closest in-practice tax model in this country to that is the New Hampshire model of levying a property tax but No other taxes whatsoever. As such, New Hampshire people have the lowest tax burden of the 50 states of this federalist union we call America. By contrast, Connecticut people like me have one of the highest tax burdens out of 50 because we have a governor right now that seems to treat tax hikes like water.
But ultimately, tax cuts can't solve the fiscal house problem without much larger spending cuts, because any spending hike is a future tax hike and because one action most Republicans treat like water is coupling tax cuts with spending hikes. But most Democrats do something similar by pairing smaller tax hikes with bigger spending hikes. And Independent-minded voters who register to vote in Third Parties, like me, are just over here asserting that we need to stop spending beyond our revenue!
As for what I think the role of government is, I will get to that next. Because here is the answer to that: To protect the rights of individuals to live and let live. Beyond that, it does not need to act on societal functions, but if it does then it cannot be a monopoly. Role of Government will be the next political topic I clarify my stance on. Thanks, everyone!
~Kyle S. Perkins
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