'Mother' and 'Father' outlawed in Paris

in news •  7 years ago 

Children born in Paris will no longer have a 'Mother' and 'Father' on their birth certificates, but rather a 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2'. The decision was taken last month by the city's mayor's office as a means to end discrimination against homosexual families.
Same-sex marriages have been legal in France since 2013 and, according to official statistics, homosexual families account for only 3% of families in the country.
Yet, to accommodate a tiny minority, authorities are now forcing heterosexual families to give up on age-old cherished words like mother and father.


While I can totally see how it might be uncomfortable for homosexual couples to have to fill out forms using the traditional terms, I cannot understand why authorities in the French capital could not issue different certificates so as to accommodate everybody, not just a minority. Have the forms the same size, color, lettering... whatever and have one set say mother/father and the other parent 1/ parent 2. Can't be that hard!

Paris is the first French city to take such drastic 'anti-discriminatory' action, yet other institutions and businesses in France have already discontinued the use of 'mother' and 'father'. The national railway offers large family cards which list 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2'. The same goes for some nursery schools and cafeterias around the country.
Again, in an age when most everything is done online I think it would be easy enough to have a drop-down menu and have people select the title which best applies to their situation.
The next logical step is to ban the use of such discriminatory terms altogether. A child getting a boo-boo in a public park should be required to start crying 'Parent 1! Parent 1!' instead of 'Mommy! Mommy!' which might be offensive to a child from a homosexual family!

The measure adopted by the Paris city authorities does not specify who's going to be listed under Parent 1 – the mother or the father, but the issue gave rise to a barrage of sarcastic comments in the French media – as it is kind of obvious Parent 1 sounds more important than Parent 2!


France is the first European country to adopt this form of extreme political correctness. Canada, where Premier Trudeau once famously outlawed the term 'mankind', is another example of PC gone mad country. The Canadian government has vowed to make all its forms gender-neutral, while public servants have been told to stop using terms like 'mother' and 'father'.

You might think these officials give in to demands from the people, that there are people clamoring for these rights, but in fact it is not the society that demands change. It's governments that want to change society. Our society!

Thanks for reading!


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I guess then we can stop calling kids, our children and start calling them "Thing 1 and Thing 2". Then all will be well in our world.

I feel for our world, stupidity seems to have no bounds.

Naturally you will have to call the children with some neutral term, otherwise you might be accused of assuming their gender. And who gives you the right to give your children names they might not be comfortable later on?

Soon we will just place them in the woods as soon as they are born and let them fend for themselves so that we do not influence them into any societal norm's. Then when they come out of the woods on their own, they can tell us who and what they are as well as what gender they are, if any.
Seems like a reason conclusion to the way things are going.

I am really annoyed when political correctness goes too far like this. Like you said, it isn't much work to have two forms.

This reminds me of a few years ago when in Germany everything started to be gendered. You couldnt just use a neutral male term, you would always have to say the male and female term for something, like if there is an email to university students it's always "Studentinnen und Studenten". Male terms used to be standart, and no one really used to think of them really as being male, so I don't get where that came from.

it comes from them, why shall it be respected, their authority is null and void.

ultimately they will make eating red meat illegal and ask for permits to have children, unless they are all slaughtered for the fallen they are... fallen<kuffars :), if it was ever possible :).

for your intel, it's the guidestonians... fallen who follow and try to implement the guidestone agenda worldwide (ie reduce population to 500m while china is already almost 3 times that) and as such those guidestonians and their protectors (conscious or not) will have to be slaughtered.

Sperm parent and egg parent.

This is insanity. Regardless of legal titles and what happens after the fact, it requires a man and woman to be parents. Not a man/man or woman/woman.

Might as well make the title "Custodians of the Future Slaves" and be done with it.

I believe the government simply wants to erase all vestiges of individuality in humans. We will eventually be required to wear ear tags like cattle and we will all simply be a number. I will not be labelled parent 1 nor parent 2.

I can not get over how cartoon like this society has become. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.

Another great write up!!

I believe the government simply wants to erase all vestiges of individuality in humans. We will eventually be required to wear ear tags like cattle and we will all simply be a number. I will not be labelled parent 1 nor parent 2.

I can not get over how cartoon like this society has become. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.

This is just ridiculous! Like you said, it is not that damn hard to have another set of forms.

We're all in this craziness together. It is impossible to keep everyone happy and trying to do so is just chaotic. 🙄