Make America Sick Again!

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

(Russian) asbestos marketing face Trump, 45th President of the United States and long time fan of the heavily cancerogenous substance may be behind a new proposal of the EPA.


In this SNUR new uses for asbestos are investigated to be greenlighted.

SNURs are typically used to indicate the EPA's approval of a chemical being used in a significantly new way that "might create concerns," according to the government agency.

The dangers of asbestos are known for more then a century. Still the stuff was used heavily in WWII ship building, especially the US which resulted in approximately 100'000 death US ship yard workers. (The US lost 400K soldiers in all of WWII, so it might have be more dangerous to build the ships than to man them.)

But since Mr. Trump, a known genius scientist in all fields, says that asbestos poisoning is a mob-led conspiracy, we can all rest in peace that it poses no danger.


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