What Trump Should've Tweeted

in news •  8 years ago 


I don't understand why Trump doesn't say things like "The Obama administration has a history of using the Government to antagonize political opponents and they've even tried to surveil me" instead of "Obama wire tapped Trump tower". The first makes the point in a vague way. The second has key details that are going to be hard to prove. The MSM will focus on that aspect of his tweets.

This is like the "3 million illegal votes" claim, make it specific and outrageous, and everyone gets talking.

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"Obama wire tapped Trump tower" is way stronger expression, that even a child can understand. Many political analysts says Trump is good at using Twitter because his message are simple, clear, and strong. Political elite speaks more like "antagonize political opponents" and Trump doesn't want to be linked with elites.

So my answer to your question is: political marketing.

Another question would be: why he continues to do marketing when he's already elected...